How can I help my parents quit smoking?

I’m 17 and my sister is 10. My parents are both almost 40, and they have been smoking since before I was born. We are so scared one of them is going to get cancer or something horrible. My dad wants to quit smoking, but my mom has never made an effort to quit except ordering the chantix pill which is now being connected to suicide. She says she wants to, but in my entire life the only times she has ever quit is when she was pregnant with my sister and I.

How can I help them? Any ideas? I would really appreciate it.

I’m so happy I stopped smoking

Health profoundly improves once a person stops smoking. In this video Mayo Clinic Physicians provide examples of healing that occurs once a person stops smoking and the many benefits to staying tobacco-free. Patients describe how much better they feel now that they have stopped smoking. For more information, go to

How hard would it be for me to quit smoking cigarettes?

I’m 21 and have been smoking for about 2 years now. I smoke about 7 or 8 cigarettes a day. I want to quit and need to quit but I’ve heard the horror stories of quitting and how hard it is, but most of them have or did smoke way more than me and for much longer. Do you think it’d be easier for me? Have any of you ever quit smoking and smoked about as much as I do? How hard was it?

How can i stop overeating since i quit smoking cigarettes?

ive quit smoking for almost 3 weeks and have gone from 140 to 172lb. thats 32 pounds in 3 weeks. i was very lean and i just lost control. i used to use cigarettes as an appetite supressor with my diet but now i find it very hard to stick to a diet. its like the 3rd day that i give in. dieting is extremely harder since i quit smoking. i feel lke i have to eat everything. im gaining hella fat and i need to nip it in the bud. any advice to get my fatass moving in the right direction instead of wineing on yahoo?