I am 31 years old and after smoking for 17 years, I quit 4 months ago. Since then, I have had a sore throat, horseness, and it is very hard to breathe. I never had a problem with any of this before quitting. When does this end and is it normal?

Stop Smoking | Smoking Cessation
Enzyme PhytoNutrient (EPN) complex is a patent-pending Enzyme PhytoNutrient from a plant source that provides Enzyme and saccharides necessary for optimal cellular communication. No combination of vitamins, minerals, amino acids or herbals can replace the necessary saccharides found in EPN. We believe that EPN will provide total Enzyme Supplementation.
Protein and carbohydrates are chief components of the human body. For all of history, food has provided these building blocks; however, scientists are still learning the functions that specific nutritional food components play in this process. As recently as this century, benefits of vitamins, minerals, amino acids and phytochemicals were discovered.
Enzyme-PhytoNutrients have been demonstrated to be effective in supporting the immune system. Studies were conducted to determine what the effects of PhytoNutrient dietary supplementation had on a variety of infections.
There is evidence to suggest the PhytoNutrients molecules mediate most of the communication that occurs between the 100 trillion or so cells of the human body. Incomplete or poorly formed PhytoNutrient molecules can result in defective cell messages, which may have implications for immunity. Breast-fed infants are known to have an increased resistance to middle ear infections as well as other childhood illnesses. While human milk contains high concentrations of PhytoNutrients, animal milks vary in the combinations and amounts present. PhytoNutrients have been tested in:
•Alcohol Craving
•Anger Control
•Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
•Autistic Children
•Behavior Modification
•Benign Mucous Membrane Pemphigus
•Candida Albicans
•Canker Sores (Aphthous stomatitis)
•Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
•Cold Sores or Fever Blisters (Herpes labialis)
•Coxsackle Viruses
•Decrease the need for Medications
•Diabetes Mellitus
•Dyslexia (learning difficulties)
•Enhanced Glutathione Levels
•Hepatitis C
•Immune Function
•Inflammatory Diseases of the Heart & Pancreas
•Liver Enzyme Serum Changes
•Myofacial Pain Syndrome
•Oral Mucosal Disease
•Periodontal Disease (tooth loss)
•Positive Outlook
•Protection from Chemically-Initiated Glutathione Depletion
•Respiratory Air Flow in Asthmatics
•Rheumatoid Arthritis
•Tay-Sachs Disease
•Tissue Disorders
EPN is created through a unique, fourteen-day process. Because this manufacturing process resembles human digestion, soy seeds are completely assimilated into basic nutrients and natural sweeteners. Through this proprietary process, nutrient enzymes are produced along with a phyto-sweetener resembling human colostrum (found in mother’s breast milk). Therefore, EPN is an all-in-one combination of healthful enzymes and a phyto-sweetener. Due to the fact that the creation process is digestive in nature, there is no residual, unassimilated soy matter remaining.
Also look at iron on the same page. Wait until you reach 6 months and everything goes away.
These aren’t withdrawal symptoms. You should see a doctor.