My boyfriend smokes and every time i see him i smoke but i dont smoke at home and i only see him once a week. I need help to quit smoking before I get addicted… I don’t wanna touch another cigarette again but its hard..

Stop Smoking | Smoking Cessation
everytime your boyfriend lights up, take out a missile launcher and blow him up. problem solved.
Tell him to fuck off with the cigarettes.
Or just don’t smoke one.
Well just don’t but or carry cigarettes, if you fight it once then it makes it more likely that the next time you won’t be tempted to smoke and eventually you won’t be tempted to smoke even if you are around him
Tell him that you are going to stop.
You can quit if you make up yor mind. For 20 years I smoked 3 to 4 packs a day and I just quit.
Just imagine having to struggle to breathe or see someone dying of lung cancer and that willl really
help you to quit.
if you enjoy smoking then do it!
if you dont then dont
you know the risks
After starting smoking at the age of 15 I’ve tried a couple of times to stop but I’ve never been successful. 8 years later and I’d given up hope. That was until I came to the easy quit smoking blog and found the Quit Smoking Today system. I followed your system and have totally quit now for a month which is the longest in 8 years I’ve been smoke free. If I can do this then anyone can.