How do I help getting someone to quit smoking?

I have a friend who is 16 and really wants to quit smoking, and has asked me for help. We’re both under-age, and she doesn’t want her mom to find out. It’d also be nice not to have to use too much money. I really want to help her, but I have never smoked myself, nor been addicted to anything.

I really want tips on how to quit, not how to tell her how to quit. She has quit before, but she falls back into doing it again, but she honestly wish to stop. Please help 🙂

How can I help my parents quit smoking?

I’m 17 and my sister is 10. My parents are both almost 40, and they have been smoking since before I was born. We are so scared one of them is going to get cancer or something horrible. My dad wants to quit smoking, but my mom has never made an effort to quit except ordering the chantix pill which is now being connected to suicide. She says she wants to, but in my entire life the only times she has ever quit is when she was pregnant with my sister and I.

How can I help them? Any ideas? I would really appreciate it.

Quit Smoking!?

Does anyone have any new/creative/interesting or sucessful tricks or ideas on how to quit smoking? I’ve been smoking for abou 2-3 years now and when my mom died at the age of 47 from lung cancer (though hers was not smoking related), I promised her I would quit. Just recently I found out her mother has emphysethmia, and my father is also a smoker (for many years) and is short of breath often. (He lives with me so it is tough when I decide to quit, if he still smokes). Also, I had a PE, or Pulmonary Embolism (blood clot in the lung) in the past 2 years that could’ve been fatal, and I have a 3 year old who I want to live a long healthy life for. No, I don’t smoke around her. Plus, I just don’t enjoy smoking anymore, b/c of the smell, the health risks, it gives me headaches, but the nicotine has got a strong hold on me. Please help if you can! Thank you!
First off, I am an adult so I have been to school and gone through health classes that showed pictures of dieased lungs, so obviously that didn’t work. Do you know what is worse than looking at those pics? Seeing your own mom die from lung cancer. And to tell the truth, when I started smoking, I didn’t care about myself or my body. Thank you to the serious and non-offensive people. I am only human and I make mistakes too. I am now trying to rectify that.
Natalie, someone as dim as u r should’ve been able to spell the word stupid since u probably hear it often. Anyway, try growing up in a house in which your parents smoke and make it seem like it’s no big deal.

How do I find out if my health insurance will cover laser therapy to quit smoking?

OK I am 20 yrs old still under my mom’s health insurance. I have been smoking since I was 16. Now I want to quit. I have a friend that did laser therapy to quit and she says it the greatest thing she ever did. I want to know does laser therapy actually work and I don’t know how to figure out if the health insurance will cover laser therapy to quit smoking.

How do I get my parents to quit smoking?

They’ve been smoking my whole life, and I’ve tried every way to get them to stop. My Mom is all for quitting but she can’t quit if Dad doesn’t, you know… ’cause of the temptation. Dad would just yell at me if I asked him to quit and I don’t see any way to get him to quit without him being cooperative enough to not yell at me when I ask him to. I’m concerned for my mothers health and mine also (you know, the whole secondhand smoke thing).

Thanks in advance,

What are some allergic reactions you can get when you quit smoking?

My mom smokes a lot and now she has "decided" to quit. But I want to know if there are any reactions she can get from it. For example she has been smoking 38 years and now she decided to quit. She used to smoke 2 boxes a day but then started smoking one a day and now none.

How hard is it to quit smoking?

I’m planning on quitting starting Aug 21st. My reason is so i can live longer for my child, plus he has asthma and i don’ t want the cigarette smoke in my clothes anymore when he breathes it in. Another reason is gas prices are so high now and between gas prices and buying cigarettes i spend at least -0 a month. This will be my first time ever doing this, i don’t even know how to quit or avoid the cravings. I really can’t afford the smoking cessation classes (don’t know if i spelled the word right lol) i just want to do it on my own. I already know that the nicotine gum won’t work because i already chew gum when i’m smoking a cigarette. Need advice please and thank you to all!
I have people that will support me, like my boyfriend (he wants me to quit also), co-workers, my mom said she’ll support me but she smokes too and i live with her, i know other family members will be willing to help me.