OK I am 20 yrs old still under my mom’s health insurance. I have been smoking since I was 16. Now I want to quit. I have a friend that did laser therapy to quit and she says it the greatest thing she ever did. I want to know does laser therapy actually work and I don’t know how to figure out if the health insurance will cover laser therapy to quit smoking.

health-quotes.talk4fun.net – here is my health insurance plan. As I remember they can provide such a service.
Call the health insurance company and ask. I bet they are going to say no though because their are other ways to quit that don’t cost them or you money. It’s not exactly a "life saving" surgery. I would imagine its in the same category as cosmetic surgery, its optional and they won’t cover it.
Have your mother call her insurance company and ask. That’s how to find out, if it’s not spelled out in any booklets she received that explained what was covered and what was not.
Sometimes insurance covers smoking cessation, sometimes not. I’ve not heard of a laser procedure so can’t comment on your chances of having that covered or not.
Health insurance does cover treatment for smoking cessation – but it rarely covers experimental methods. Some plans cover certain alternative-type therapies, while others do not.
Laser therapy for smoking cessation relies on accupressure points. Accupressure is an alternative treatment (meaning, not standard Western medicine). However, many insurance companies cover acupuncture and acupressure.
If it is considered experimental, your company likely won’t cover it.
However, rather than guessing or even asking a customer service representative, your best bet would be to request a pre-authorization review. Also ask the place that does the laser therapy if insurance commonly covers it. They will know just what information to send your insurance company so it can be approved. And if they can’t get insurance to pay for it, they’ll be able to tell you that, too.
I really doubt they cover it. Laser therapy is more like a cosmetic surgery. You don’t really need it, there are other ways to quit smoking.
health-quotes.talk4fun.net – here is my health insurance plan. As I remember they can provide such a service.