I asked my boyfriend to quit smoking and for almost a week now he has. But recently he has told me that he is not ready to quit after 4 years of smoking. He says he is too stressed to quit right now. I have told him that it is always going to be hard for him but he is doing so good now, why give up. I just need to know how to help and encourage him to quit. I also need to know a good way to help him relieve some stress.

Going to the doctor will help your boyfriend as the doctor might be albe to suggest a few things to him to try. I hope it works good luck.
The only way he can quit is by truly wanting to quit. No matter what methond you chose, it won’t work until he’s ready.
I took my boyfriend to a place called "Laser for Life" to stop smoking. They "lasered" all his accupuncture points, and it supposedly took away all the cravings for nicotine. But he also had a very strong will to quit, which I think is the key to being successful at stopping smoking. He has been smoke free for 14 months now!
By Yoga treatment your BF can quit from smoking and stress free all details about yoga are in this web site check out http://www.reason4sex.org
He can get the nicotine he craves with gum or patches. This is great way to take in steps instead of cold turkey. http://www.squidoo.com/helpquittingsmoking/