They’ve been smoking my whole life, and I’ve tried every way to get them to stop. My Mom is all for quitting but she can’t quit if Dad doesn’t, you know… ’cause of the temptation. Dad would just yell at me if I asked him to quit and I don’t see any way to get him to quit without him being cooperative enough to not yell at me when I ask him to. I’m concerned for my mothers health and mine also (you know, the whole secondhand smoke thing).
Thanks in advance,

Like many others I smoked when I was young but managed to kick the habit before I was totally hooked, I was lucky and suffered no damage to my health. But for a close friend it was different, even though she was only a moderate smoker, her health was being seriously affected and getting worse with time. Now this is where I really sympathize with smokers. She like many smokers knew the dangers and had genuinely tried many different ways to quit smoking. She tried patches, hypnosis and read several books on the subject of quitting, nothing had worked. She always ended back at square one, knowing she needed to quit, but how, nothing had a lasting effect. That was until she tried Smoke Deter.
So why am I telling this, because I played a small part in her success. You see I heard about Smoke Deter through my son, his best mate had quit smoking using Smoke Deter and I convinced my friend to try it. She was very skeptical, but I was so concerned about her health that I said that if it didn’t work I would pay for it, so she had nothing to lose and that convinced her. That was a year and five months ago, it worked and she is no longer a smoker, she has never has the urge to smoke since she quit using Smoke Deter, that’s a fact and it’s the only product she tried that she’s happy to tell others about.
Smoke Deter is an herbal based liquid oral spray that is used 3 times a day, this is also supplemented with herbal pills which when combined is very effective at reducing your nicotine cravings. How quickly it works depends on the extent of your habit, it can work as quickly as 2 weeks or may take 3 months, regardless of the time, your health is worth the effort to kick your smoking habit.
Smoke Deter also offers a lifetime free membership support program, so you are never on your own, help is available 24 hours a day if you feel the need, like if your resolve is weakening. That’s what I like about Smoke Deter it changes your whole attitude to smoking, it works on your mind as well as your body. Unfortunately I’ve seen the damage smoking has done within my own family and also in my circle of friends, consequently I’m fully aware just how hard it is to stop smoking without some kind of help. I’ve seen first hand how Smoke Deter helped my friend quit smoking and so it’s not surprising she can’t say enough about it. So if this article brings Smoke Deter to your attention and as a result helps you kick the smoking habit, then for me writing about it has been worthwhile.
So if you’ve been wondering if these quit smoking products work, well I guess some do and some don’t, but one that has my recommendation is Smoke Deter, I’ve personally seen it work when other methods failed. I’m happy to pass that information on so that others looking for a safe natural way to quit can try Smoke Deter if they wish.
If you would like more helpful information on Smoke Deter or other free quit smoking information, you may like to visit the url in the source box below. It seems to confirm some of my comments and is dedicated to helping smokers improve their health, fitness and beat the smoking habit.
show him pictures on the internet on what happens when you smoke. it may shock him but its the truth. and if that doesn’t work do the cry hold onto their leg and beg thing!
Do what my cousin did to her hubby( then her BF). Told him that kissing him was like kissing a dirty ashtray. Refuse to hug or sit near your Dad. When he asks the question, why, tell him that you find his smoke scented body odor nauseating.
Here are the ugly facts kid: If he doesn’t want to quit he isn’t going to no matter what.
You could maybe try to ask your mom to talk your dad into stop smoking. Maybe she will be convincing and he will stop smoking.
Or you could sit down with them, and have a conversation about it. Talk about all the dangers and the ways it is making the world a horrible place. But, before you start talking ask your dad if he can not yell at you. Maybe if you talk about all the bad things about smoking he will change his mind about smoking.
Another thing you could do (your dad might get a little frustrated) Is hide all the cigarettes in the house. They will spend so much time looking for them, they will eventually give up.
I am also a person who is trying to get my parents to stop smoking. My mom became pregnant, so she had to stop and after that she stopped smoking for good. My dad on the other hand, is really hard. I beg him and he tries so hard to stop but eventually buys a pack of ciggarettes.
Good Luck!!
Best Wishes,
its difficult to stop smoking
you cannot stop it once
you should stop it slowly
bring ecigarette for them it contains minute dosage of nicotine in minute form
they act as a safer alternative to the conventional tobacco products
once check this site
it may help you in stopping your parents from smoking
Hi Guin,
The answer to quit smoking, is not to quit. The answer is to start smoking a healthy cigarette. This cigarette has no secondhand smoke, no tar, no cancer causing substances, no ash, no bad smells.
Here is the link:
I hope you can convince your parents to smoke the healthy cigarette, it will be best for their health and yours.
I agree with the electronic cigarette maybe being an answer for your parents. At least your mom might be open to it. Before you even bring up a "brand" of e-cig I would have your mom do a little reading on some forums because there are many models available and prices can vary by A LOT.
Here’s a couple of unbranded forums so she (or you) can do some researching without the "sales pitch" and see if it might be an option.
Good Luck