I have a friend who is 16 and really wants to quit smoking, and has asked me for help. We’re both under-age, and she doesn’t want her mom to find out. It’d also be nice not to have to use too much money. I really want to help her, but I have never smoked myself, nor been addicted to anything.
I really want tips on how to quit, not how to tell her how to quit. She has quit before, but she falls back into doing it again, but she honestly wish to stop. Please help 🙂

After 3 days, the nicotine is out of the body and it’s all a mental strength issue after that. Self discipline is the key. She can use nicotine patches, but they’re not cheap. Sometimes it’s the people we hang out with that can keep bad habits going, being around other smokers will not help her.
Mind over matter! 😉
well what i would do is slowly stop say she smoke 15 a day well tommorow only 14 after a couple days have passed 13 and so on once she gets down to only a few a day every time she has a craveing hold a carrot like a ciggerette and pretend even inhale like a cig. if she is able to do so get whats called a hookah pipe thats how i quit ciggerettes. hookahs taste better are smoother and not as bad for you
tell her parents. HAHAHAHAHA she’ll have to quit then.