Does anyone have any new/creative/interesting or sucessful tricks or ideas on how to quit smoking? I’ve been smoking for abou 2-3 years now and when my mom died at the age of 47 from lung cancer (though hers was not smoking related), I promised her I would quit. Just recently I found out her mother has emphysethmia, and my father is also a smoker (for many years) and is short of breath often. (He lives with me so it is tough when I decide to quit, if he still smokes). Also, I had a PE, or Pulmonary Embolism (blood clot in the lung) in the past 2 years that could’ve been fatal, and I have a 3 year old who I want to live a long healthy life for. No, I don’t smoke around her. Plus, I just don’t enjoy smoking anymore, b/c of the smell, the health risks, it gives me headaches, but the nicotine has got a strong hold on me. Please help if you can! Thank you!
First off, I am an adult so I have been to school and gone through health classes that showed pictures of dieased lungs, so obviously that didn’t work. Do you know what is worse than looking at those pics? Seeing your own mom die from lung cancer. And to tell the truth, when I started smoking, I didn’t care about myself or my body. Thank you to the serious and non-offensive people. I am only human and I make mistakes too. I am now trying to rectify that.
Natalie, someone as dim as u r should’ve been able to spell the word stupid since u probably hear it often. Anyway, try growing up in a house in which your parents smoke and make it seem like it’s no big deal.

I know your dilemma. I too, was a heavy smoker. If you have only been smoking for 2-3 years, it might be easier than you think. I smoked 40 years. I buried 2 parents & a sister, all of whom I miss terribly, within the last 20 yrs, all from cancer. I have no idea if any of them were cancer related. The possibility is there, as well as the probability.
Emphysema usually is smoke-related, but not always. And it often runs in families. I’m an RN, I know all the risks involved. But when your in a stress-related job, you can sure come up with alot of reasons why you need to keep smoking. What ever reason others use to keep going to the store & buying another pack (or carton) and lighting up, is obvious–it’s an addiction. Period.
The newest med, is Chunix (sp?) has shown excellent results. If you treat smoking like the addiction it is, you will succeed, eventually. The nicotine stays in the body for approximately 7 days, depending on how heavy a smoker you are. But that’s only the physical addiction. After that, you will have to contend with the psychological aspect of the addiction. But mentally, it sounds like you’re 1/2 way there. Great. I also used nicorette gum. It helps.
Sit your dad down & encourage him to quit with you. Tell him how important it is to you, that his health does not deteriate any more than it has (shortness of breath). Tell him if he wants to continue to smoke, he’ll have to do it outside). This is a must. If you continue to let him smoke around you, you are setting yourself up for failure. Next, do all your routines different. If it’s your habit to get up in the AM & light up, get up & shower instead, or go for a walk, read a book, ANYTHING different from the norm & remember the AA mantra "one day at a time".
I also recommend you go to They have lots of great info, as well as chat rooms, where you can talk to others online, going thru the same thing.
There’s alot of free help out there. Good luck!!
A Yahoo search for "how to quit smoking" will give you a wealth of useful information and advice.
Go to, they have 20 tips on the front page on how to kick the habit. Good Luck & better health!!
Er…in my area, there are places that give out free nicotine gum and patches. So call 311. That’s someplace to start. Try a support group too!
I’m gonna be harsh on you.
Go to google images, then look up emphasima. What you see will (hopefully) shock you into stopping.
Remember, will power is the strongest thing you have.
If you go to the store and you want to buy a pack, think of it this way :thats 5 less dollars i spent. Now when you get home, put 5 dollars in a jar. At the end of a year, you will be amazed by how much money you will have saved by not smoking.
u always hv a choice!! do u control ur brain or do u let ur brain(emotions) control u??
play sport, go out with your friends, walk, family time, or just decide not to smoke.
Try the patch or the gum, they are a bit expensive but when it comes to your life, it is worth it.. the gum worked for my dad, though he is now slightly addicted to gum (uh, not nearly as bad as cigarettes!)
I know there are prescription medications that are VERY helpful, talk to your doctor about these if you are interested!
Also, I have heard of people using hypnotism (along with other methods or alone) to help them quit. Although you have to be willing to be hypnotized and you have to want to quit (which you do).
GOOD LUCK and don’t give up! Even if you try to quit many times and can’t DON’T GIVE UP!
oh yea, also even though it’ll be hard to not smoke when your dad does, just try to ask him to not smoke around you. When you go out try to go somewhere where noone is smoking. If your town has an indoor smoking ban this will be easy. All bars are smoke free in my city (bit of an infringment on their freedom to run their busines how they want, but OH so nice for me!)
Well maybe if you watch this video of this association:
hope you quit, you’ll saving your money too!
Nicotine is one of the most addictive substances known. Don’t let those who think you have a choice frustrate you. Sure we had a choice at one point, but most of us start while underage.
I have found the patch to work best. Go to a chain drug store and get their brand, as it will be significantly cheaper.
Don’t stop trying. Not to give you excuses, but it takes most people a few tries before it sticks. If you slip, quit again.
Never fool yourself into thinking you can become a "social smoker." Yes, we all know one; but no, neither your nor I will ever be one
Good luck. Focus on what you don’t like about smoking. In addition to the things your mentioned, don’t forget that these days it makes you feel like and outcast, and that you feel stupid every time your are in a place where it is not allowed and you need to go outside. You’re not alone.
Hey. First off do not worry. If you really really want to quit you will. The whole idea is – to want to quit MORE that you want to smoke. Trust me , i’ve done this. Both of my parents smoke and (god forbid) nothing is wrong with them yet, my grandparents, most of my friends and relatives are smokers too. I have not used any medicine or anything. It’s all in your head and you have to keep encouraging yourself, you have to keep thinking about the good outcomes. When i most needed a cigarette i drank water, and i took a deep breat. Gum and patches might work for many, but it is just substitution, it gets you addicted to them.
I wish you good luck!
P.S If you want to smoke THAT bad, roll a cigarette full of tea. It works. no joke. It makes you feel like your smoking a cigarette but without the harmful effects!