When you quit smoking, how long did it take for the anxiety to subside?

Hi, Ive been smoking about a pack a day for 3 years now. Lately I’ve been trying to cut back/ quit, but when I do I feel AWFUL. It’s not a sick or ill feeling, it’s just a feeling like something should be happening. This is probably just anxiety, I know, but it’s a terrible feeling. How long did it take you to feel normal after you quit? Did you feel any anxiety or something like it?

I quit smoking about 2 months ago. How long until my lungs are healed and normal?

I smoked for about 3 years and quit cold turkey (its really not that hard) i was smoking just short of a pack a day but of course on weekends while drinking it was more than that.
I am a 24 year old Male in pretty good shape.

Quit Smoking!?

Does anyone have any new/creative/interesting or sucessful tricks or ideas on how to quit smoking? I’ve been smoking for abou 2-3 years now and when my mom died at the age of 47 from lung cancer (though hers was not smoking related), I promised her I would quit. Just recently I found out her mother has emphysethmia, and my father is also a smoker (for many years) and is short of breath often. (He lives with me so it is tough when I decide to quit, if he still smokes). Also, I had a PE, or Pulmonary Embolism (blood clot in the lung) in the past 2 years that could’ve been fatal, and I have a 3 year old who I want to live a long healthy life for. No, I don’t smoke around her. Plus, I just don’t enjoy smoking anymore, b/c of the smell, the health risks, it gives me headaches, but the nicotine has got a strong hold on me. Please help if you can! Thank you!
First off, I am an adult so I have been to school and gone through health classes that showed pictures of dieased lungs, so obviously that didn’t work. Do you know what is worse than looking at those pics? Seeing your own mom die from lung cancer. And to tell the truth, when I started smoking, I didn’t care about myself or my body. Thank you to the serious and non-offensive people. I am only human and I make mistakes too. I am now trying to rectify that.
Natalie, someone as dim as u r should’ve been able to spell the word stupid since u probably hear it often. Anyway, try growing up in a house in which your parents smoke and make it seem like it’s no big deal.

How can I help my boyfriend quit smoking?

My boyfriend has been smoking for almost 3 years now. He probably smokes 2 packs a week.

How can I help him to quit? I want to be supportive and encourage him to do so. I know he gets frustrated and wants to quit but he never seems to do it or take any steps in the right direction. I don’t think he knows where to start.