My boyfriend has been smoking for almost 3 years now. He probably smokes 2 packs a week.
How can I help him to quit? I want to be supportive and encourage him to do so. I know he gets frustrated and wants to quit but he never seems to do it or take any steps in the right direction. I don’t think he knows where to start.

Be harsh.
If he doesn’t respond well to encouragement point out all the bad things about smoking.
* The devastating effects it can have on your health.
* How it restricts you when you go out.
* How he smells ( well make sure he is crazy over you – unless you want to get jibbed :P)
* The expense of it all.
Every time he doesn’t smoke a packet tell him to put the equivalent of what that would normally cost in a jar. At the end of the month treat yourselves to a smoke free night out, using this money – then see which he prefers.
Hope I helped
A smoker may have a big mix of different emotions when he or she decides to quit smoking. On the other hand, an individual trying to quit smoking may be terrified of failure due to difficulties of nicotine withdrawal. This is where a smoking clinic or rehabilitation center might come in handy. For some, they need the support of others who are either going through the same things as they are or who have already been there. Your boyfriend is more likely to become depressed about quitting smoking if you he’s the only one quitting.
Well basically people smoke because of the nicotine so i would have him try and electronic cigaretter, their safer, healthier, and use water vapor not smoke. So if someone is trying to quit i would suggest them to give this a shot.
Change your boyfriend habits
Switch to juices or water instead of alcohol or coffee. Take a different route to work. Take a brisk walk instead of a coffee break.
Alternatives: Use substitutes you can put in your mouth such as sugarless gum or hard candy, raw vegetables such as carrot sticks, or sunflower seeds. Some people chew on a coffee stirrer or a straw.
Activities: Do something to reduce your stress. Exercise or do hobbies that keep your hands busy, such as needlework or woodworking, which can help distract you from the urge to smoke. Take a hot bath, exercise, or read a book.
Deep breathing: When you were smoking, you breathed deeply as you inhaled the smoke. When the urge strikes now, breathe deeply and picture your lungs filling with fresh, clean air. Remind yourself of your reasons for quitting and the benefits you’ll gain as an ex-smoker.
Delay: If you feel that you are about to light up, delay. Tell yourself you must wait at least 10 minutes. Often this simple trick will allow you to move beyond the strong urge to smoke.
Tell him he will not give him any for a month. Lol. You will have to go ahead and buy him something to get him kick started. I have been a smoker for about 8 years and i struggled a lot when i was trying to quit. I failed 4 times in the past and i tried the gum, the patch and even cold turkey. About three months ago i saw a girl at a bar having a Smokeless Cigarette. i was amazed to see how it worked and she hasn’t had a real cigarette in over 6 weeks. I decided to try them about ago and i haven’t had a real cigarette since. These things have worked really well and i have slowly weened myself to the lowest level of nicotine. These are def a healthier alternative to real cigarettes. check them out at this site. Good Luck!!!
tell about the negative effects of smoking