I must be severely addicted because smoking weed has become a part of my everyday life to the extent that i will not go to class, work, or even to get something to eat unless i have smoked some marijuana. I feel like it is so important but when i do smoke it…it doesn’t even make me feel very good, sometimes i actually feel worse. I think i am so addicted because it just feels like a routine that i have gotten so used to…i get satisfaction out of the "act" of packing it and rolling it…and not much from the actual effects because i am so tolerant to it! Please give me some serious feedback from people who have quit for significant periods of time? Thanks!

I live in Holland.
I started smoking weed because my boyfriend did. And then I moved in his appartment and there was weed everywhere. After a couple of months I became tolerant to it as well.
Instead of feeling calm (as i usually did) i began feeling paranoid. Especially if there were people in the room i didn’t know too well. And even more if I was walking outside. I even started shivering and my heartbeat raised sky-high. So I needed to quit.
You need to go somewhere where it’s impossible to smoke weed. I moved back to my father’s house (for other reasons, but it turned out good for quitting as well). You need to be distracted.
I smoke sigarettes more than i used to, as some sort of compansation. But i don’t feel a craving anymore.
Weed isn’t addictional, it’s the "getting used to" that’s hardest to break.
I sometimes take a few tugs in the weekend, but than i start feeling paranoid and shivery again and i skip the next joints.
Ur lucky you’re not addicted to hard-drugs. Weed is herbal and doesn’t cause permanent damage (ok, inhaling any type of smoke is never good), but you need to stop if you want to move forward. You can’t combine weed with working on your future.
Hope it’s useful to you.
Get proffesional help see your doctor …it may seem like a cool thing to do right now but long term it can mess your life up big time & you’ll look back full of regret at a wasted life – the time to do something about it is now!!
Marijuana is not addictive first of all. It is a totally mental process that is taking over your life. Yes, it does make you quit doing a lot of things, but that’s b/c it drains all the energy you have. The food thing may be b/c you just don’t feel as hungry w/o smoking and you don’t know when you’re hungry. It does make you feel worse sometimes b/c of what might be added to it. Just slow down and relax and everything will fall in place. Slack down a little each day until you’ve quit.
you need to stay away from other friends that do it if you can..if people in the nieghborhood do it, then you need to find a program that can help you get waway and stay clean…if you aren’t willing to take the steps to stop..it isn’t going to work…I never did this so I honestly can’t relate to how you feel..but you need to completely disengage yourself from that lifestyle first and them work around the urges. good luck to you..if you need help from a program don’t be afraid to ask.
If you want to quit smoking marijuana start drinking a little bit of beer everyday.
stop buying it
would help you stop
Just quit. Your question indicates that you no longer enjoy being high so think about this whenever you feel the urge to smoke.
I used to know, but I forgot.
As i was reading your question I realized I could have written that. I have smoked marijuana for at least 10 yrs on an everyday basis. People told me it would take a toll on me sooner or later and i have never beleived that. I am 37 and I have become so very depressed and now have to go to the DR to see about that. I too never went to school, took a test, went to work, a school play, a phone call, a walk down the street without being high. I feel so very addicted. I dont know what that one girl is talking about. I wish i had never knew what it was. It never lead me to other drugs…. but I too do not feel high when i smoke it any more….its more of a habit.. i feel awful everyday….I ache and I know deep inside my heart its the drugs….i wish i could stop….i will pray for you and I wish you the best….Have you asked the Lord to help you stop…I havent….but I think that I am going to…..thank you for posting this today……you may have just changed my life…..God bless you.
I have experienced some of your problems what has always worked for me is to just stop for a while even if that means 1 month or several years myself I’ve been a smoker off and on for about 25 years. I am a professional in my chosen field and have not experienced any ill effects from pot thus far. Which is what I’ve always found amusing about the folks who scream out "stop taking the poisons your killing yourself" I think you’ll find that a small break from your habits may relieve some of your concerns. Although i must admit as we know pot is illegal and can cause cancer of the lungs so you may consider that some incentive to stop all together I never smoked a cigarette but have always been slightly concerned on the effects that pot may have to the lungs even being a recreational smoker.
First, learn to cut it up very fine, or dry and crush; add a teaspoon of vegetable oil, one or 2 tablespoons of self raising flour, a little water to make a dough, then heat until golden brown. 45 mins to first effects, but the high lasts longer than usual. This will break the ritual (I used an empty bong for several days). Then start tapering off slowly. Ensure you have things to fill the void left behind: for me it was party poker.com (don’t gamble for real money – HOUSE ALWAYS WINS! many sharks!!) & websurfing. See http://stepchat.com/na.htm