Can someone advise me about how to quit smoking marijuana?

I smoke daily and have always enjoyed it. But I feel guilty for spending so much money and living life with a buzz. It feels like I always need to be high just to get through the day and I never lived this way before I started smoking years ago. All of my friends smoke weed and it would be hard to be around them when they do it. I am also scared I will be terribly bored or won’t know what to do with my time. (learned habit, i know)
How can I go about quitting smoking weed? What are some benefits to quitting? Some encouragement to quit? or some ideas to hang out with friends or stay sober?

How do I quit smoking marijuana?

I’ve been smoking almost everyday for the past yar. The longest time i’ve went without smoking weed would probably be two or three days. I have a lot of things going for me like I just got my BA in History at Rutgers and the only real reason to quit would be because I’m not myself anymore. Any tips on quitting?

What is a good way to quit smoking marijuana?

I must be severely addicted because smoking weed has become a part of my everyday life to the extent that i will not go to class, work, or even to get something to eat unless i have smoked some marijuana. I feel like it is so important but when i do smoke it…it doesn’t even make me feel very good, sometimes i actually feel worse. I think i am so addicted because it just feels like a routine that i have gotten so used to…i get satisfaction out of the "act" of packing it and rolling it…and not much from the actual effects because i am so tolerant to it! Please give me some serious feedback from people who have quit for significant periods of time? Thanks!