I’ve been smoking almost everyday for the past yar. The longest time i’ve went without smoking weed would probably be two or three days. I have a lot of things going for me like I just got my BA in History at Rutgers and the only real reason to quit would be because I’m not myself anymore. Any tips on quitting?

I use to smoke from ’04 to ’07 like non-stop but sh*t changes and so did i …it was more like hobby so what i did was replace the time that i smoked with events and things that i enjoyed doing such as fix my car,visit family, or just simply go out for a nice long walk..The point is, you gotta replace that time with something else
i smoked pot for 4 years pretty much every day and the only thing that could make me stop was massages. Weird i know but it didn’t matter who i got them from wether it was just a friend or a professional. every time that i wanted another joint i just got a massage. Hopefully this can help you. Insence also helps
just quit, unless you need it to survive
Do not buy it nor hang around others that use it or talk about it. If you get in a crowd that does not do this you will be doing other things they do instead of this.
u are going to need to find other hobbies or things to do when u quit!Cause when u quit smoking pot u are going to get very antcy! Your mind is not going to be able to sit still. U are going to want to have activities planned to keep u busy so u dont want to smoke.
It’s all in your head……I am just stopping myself after years of smoking it.Yes,I do crave it.It’s the feeling of beeing in "Disney Land" what I miss.
It is so cheap and you can get it every corner.Just don’t buy it!
You might try Australian Bush Flower Essences Calm & Clear Essence put 7 drops in water and sip through the day. Sip more often when you have anxiety and edgy. Helps keep the mind from racing and anxiety and it is not a drug either.
"Australian Bush Flower Healing" by Ian White
ISBN-10: 073380
Yahoo email group discussing Australian Bush Flower Essences
Research shows that marijuana is not addictive. Psychological addiction can occur with gambling, something that isn’t even a chemical. Drug abuse counselors say its not how much you use, when you use, etc. The important thing is why you use. If you are having a hard time quitting, you should focus on why you used. For fun, becuase there wanst much else to do, to mask feelings, your friends did it, works as medicine, etc. Meet this need in your life with something else.
I am a medical user and use for diabetes, neuropathy, gastroparesis, and possible newly developed epilepsy. Needless to say, I use at regular shcheduled times, 3-4x daily. I’ve done this for 8+ years. When I travel I do not bring any with me as I am only legal in my state. After a few days, I can sometimes get irritable, have an urge to smoke, but it does not make me consider going on the streets to purchase. I’ve met recreational users who smoke far less than me, I use about 35 grams a week! I hold a 3.6 GPA in molecular biology, hold a job, and work for 2 non-profits, and head my own research lab. I mention this to put my previous paragraph in perspective: it all about why you use.
So find some good activities, definitely get friends who don’t smoke, or at least don’t smoke in front of you, or meet with a counselor if you smoked for emotional reasons.
If you do feel urges to smoke, I can offer a little scientific suggestion. Marijuana’s chemicals mimick naturally occuring chemicals in our bodies, called endocannabinoids. The endocannabinoid that THC (whats in marijuana that gets you high) mimics is called anandamide. The enzyme that breaks down endocannabinoids is called FAAH.
I have developed a pill that is 100% legal in an attempt to boost the natural endocannabinoids, thereby enhancing the medical effects of marijuana while requiring less of it. It will basically increase production of your natural cannabinoids. While I only sell mine to state licensed patients, I’ll tell you what you can purchase at a health food store that can possibly work:
1. Conjugated linoleic acid- a common essential fatty acid. It binds to FFAH and thus prevents natural cannabinoids from breaking down.
2. Oleic acid – blocks FAAH, induces sleepiness
3. Arachidonic acid – precursor to anandamide
4. beta-caryophyllene – a common plant terpenoid, it binds to the receptor that causes the "high" in marijuana
I have also read very, very, very early clinical trials investigating the efficacy of wellbutrin in quitting marijuana. Wellbutrin has been used for a while now in helping to quit smoking cigarrettes. Relatively well tolerated compared to other drugs in its class, you may be able to get your doctor to prescribe an off-label use of Wellbutrin, if you are having that bad of trouble.
Now, if you feel you are addicted, the best, free thing you can do is go to your local community center, hospital, etc, to find a Narcotics Anonymous meeting. As I said before, I use marijuana, and suppport its use, and theres little research to indicate any addictive potential in the plant. On the other hand, I am a scientist and am objective. By definition a drug with beneficial effects will also have harmful side effects. Best thing to do is attend a free NA meeting and see if you feel its right for you. You can also try the herbal products I listed above.
You’ll just have to find something else to occupy your time with. Choose a different activity you like and whenever you think you would be going off to get high, do the other activity instead.
Spend your money on other things?
I think your sleep is going to be messed up.
Just put away your pipe and throw away whatever weed you have around the house.
While it’s not addictive, you will feel withdrawals for a few days. Just delete all your dealer’s numbers from your phone. If you get offered some weed, just say no. Yeah, it’s what they tell you in DARE, but it’s not hard to do. If you really want to stop you can, it’s just going to take a little bit of willpower.
I think that I have the best answer here and it should be voted as such.
Stop. Buying. Sacks. It’s not addictive so if you really feel the need to smoke it and NEED help quitting…. you need help mentally.