I smoke daily and have always enjoyed it. But I feel guilty for spending so much money and living life with a buzz. It feels like I always need to be high just to get through the day and I never lived this way before I started smoking years ago. All of my friends smoke weed and it would be hard to be around them when they do it. I am also scared I will be terribly bored or won’t know what to do with my time. (learned habit, i know)
How can I go about quitting smoking weed? What are some benefits to quitting? Some encouragement to quit? or some ideas to hang out with friends or stay sober?

I quit last January after a 14 year every-day habit. It was tough at first, I’m not going to disillusion you, but I found it straightforward after I managed to fill the time in other ways.
I would definitely recommend that you don’t hang around your friends when they’re smoking…but you will soon realise after a couple of weeks that you function a whole lot better than them. In some ways I look at my smoking friends now and feel sorry for them because they don’t realise what they look like. It only takes one look in their eyes for it to be obvious that they’re not on this planet.
Importantly you’ll see how different people react to them and you.
Occupy your time with some kind of hobby that you love. No doubt someone on here will tell you to "take up sport to show your body what its been missing" or something just as pro-fitness, but the truth is it doesn’t need to be something sporty, just something that can occupy your mind.
The best way to do it is to definitely hide yourself away from your normal social crowd (if they’re regular smokers) for a couple of weeks – don’t go out of your way to do this and be rude, just find other things to do as an excuse. When you do eventually return to them you will immediately see the difference between yourself and them.
Try not to smoke for a minimum of six months socially – not even a toke. After that if you do fancy the occasional toke at a party well then thats up to you – but by then the habit will be broken so you won’t feel the need to smoke every day.
Be confident, feel the difference within yourself and don’t kick yourself if you slip up and have a smoke – just get straight back on the wagon.
Also, drink Orange Juice whenever you can as I’ve found that it counters a marijuana craving (but that could just be me)
Switch to crack. That will make you forget all about weed trust me.
Stop buying it. Change friends. Delete numbers out of your phone. Find somthing better to do.
Substitute an alternate behavior. Do something else that you love even more than smoking pot.
Narcotics Anonymous
Check this out!
Marijuana Anonymous Online was created to be an internet resource for support, information and recovery from marijuana addiction. http://www.ma-online.org/
Read as much as you can on these websites and hopefully, you’ll know what to do.
Are you smoking pot with your friends? Then stop hanging out with them. Just put down the joint or the one-hitter, get out of the house, and go do something productive. Get a hobby so you won’t be bored. You’ll have more money when you stop spending it all on weed.
Everyone claims it’s not addicting so it shouldn’t be a problem whatsoever.
Quitting pot will not cause any withdraws. The additive component is in your head. If you want to stay sober get sober friends try aa na ca or help out a old folks home. Now will any help improvement be seen i really don’t know i am not anti drug but i can see where it would help the lungs out
Okay the first thing you need to do, get away from your friends that smoke. Try to find another social group to hang with. Smoking is just like drinking, it is a step system of getting away from the attraction of smoking. You have already made the first step, by wanting to stop. Stay strong and committed and be healthy. Good Luck.
if u have the will to stop take control try not to smoke everyday just in the week en and take a walk it will help
Change your friends and find something else to do avoid them like the plaque. Also, I would worry about being arrested and having to go to jail or even worse. You do realize that smoking pot is illegal. That should be a major reason to quit right there.
Go on the weed patch… It’s a six week program to ween you off of the stuff… Seriously where can you work for a living today with THC in your blood stream…?
simple : don t buy it ~_^
I have not really found weed addictive and don’t think it can be really but I guess with some people it can, I’m trying to give up alcohol and failed 2 times so far and drinking a hell of a lot and more than you would be spending on weed and I have a liver count of 482 which should be below 40,I get big withdrawls if I don’t have it and the shakes and feel lost like now as I’m almost out and can’t get more for another 6 hours,but talk to your doctor about it and ask him if he will prescribe you with a drug called diazepam 5mg tablets and they can assist with withdrawls and in most cases is only a one week course,they start you on more on the 1st day and slowly bring the amount needed down to 1 on the last day,trust me they can work,but I have to try once more with some other tablets as I didn’t have the will power to give up drinking,trust me on this one.diazapam can be used for all kinds of drug uses and even help people lose weight it’s a versitile drug but can be addictive that’s why they don’t let you stay on it for long,another name for it is valuim or how ever you spell it.
ive been through drug addiction,smoking,drinking.i know your intelligent @ beautiful i’m sure………..just keep on mind that normal behavior is the best.