I’ve heard if you quit smoking you cough a lot. How long does it take before that starts and how bad is it?
I just quit for a week and coughed my guts out. Started again and it stopped. Stopped again. I want to know when it is going to start up again and how bad it is going to be.

Some clinicians and patients believe that cough and sputum production may transiently increase over the first weeks after smoking cessation and may in fact represent a barrier to successful quitting.
The present study described changes in cough after an attempt to quit smoking cigarettes and determined patients’ perceptions of how changes in cough affected their ability to maintain abstinence from smoking.
… if you quit smoking, realistically you should STOP coughing. I’ve been quit for years, and I’ve never had problems with coughing since. Even if it DOES cause you to cough more, isn’t that better than getting fuckin lung cancer?
That’s a lie if you keep smoking you cough. I quit in 2003 never coughed no withdrawal no symptoms of any kind and it was the same for my grandmother. You have no side effects from quitting except a healthier body and less chance of cancer.
4 years