I’ve been dating my boyfriend for about 2 weeks and I would really like him to stop smoking weed, but he wont.He means alot to me, and so therefore that makes me scared for him. He says that he would quit for me, but not right away.I don’t know what to do, HELP!

I don’t know if you CAN stop him, he has to want to stop. you’ve only been together for 2wks and how long has he been smoking? do you really think he’ll stop for you? Or will he just be lying to you so early on in this relationship about the fact that he has stopped? Maybe the best thing for you to do is to decide if your willing to go on further with someone that has such a strong habit. If you feel like you can stay with him then set some ground rules like: When you go out he must be sober, or you don’t want to smell the weed on him ect.
But on the other hand if you can’t stay with him because of this then walk away, but let him know you care and can’t stand what he’s doing to himself. Afterall its only been 2wks.
if you like him then you shouldn’t want to change him. it’s okay to express concern and have him not do it around you but don’t try to change him because i’ve seen a lot of relationships end because of things like that.
Tell him its a turn off.
ok i had the same pormbel ok i never quit i still goin out with him today but hear is what i goin to tell u most tell him to stop or ur goin to break up with him it works
Other than the fact that smoking weed is illegal, there is no difference between smoking and drinking. In fact one could make the argument that alcohol if far more dangerous both to an individuals health and to society as a whole. So unless you plan on both asking him not to drink and not drinking yourself, it it presumptuous of you to ask someone to stop smoking weed based on your own bias. Either he is not right for you or he is, but trying to make him stop doing something in order for him to be "better" for you……recipe for disaster my friend.
There’s nothing you can do. You can’t make someone quit drugs or alcohol, any more than you can make someone use those things.
He has his own free will. So you have a choice to make: is it worth being around someone who smokes weed?
If you decide you do want to be around him, I suggest you look into Nar-anon. They will help you deal with the aspects of having a family member or friend who uses.
Well always be with him and when he goes to get a joint turn round a say I don’t want you smoking that stuff around me… And then like leave whenever he does it… This could however work in two ways – He will start smoking less joints or e spends less time with you xx I also think it is his own decision though x
burn44killer makes a very good point. Marijuana is not dangerous, though it is illegal. There is a world of data available to prove this point. After two weeks, you really should not be trying to change his way of life. Furthermore, the fact that you want to change his style of living indicates that you do not really like him for who he is, but rather who you want him to be. Generally, when you try to change someone’s life against his will, he will resent you for it, and you might end up getting dumped for your own anal retentiveness. The best course of action for you would be to dump him. He won’t really care, trust me, I used to smoke weed every day, and I wouldn’t have cared as long as I had a good supply of cheeseburgers and Kool-aid. Try to use this advice in future relationships and as a general rule try not to date stoners if you don’t like marijuana. Best of luck to you.
well however old he is, subtract two weeks from tht.
okaye, hes been living the way he wants to for that long.
hes not going to change that way for someone hes only been with for two weeks. if you want him to quit, and your still together in 6 months then that would be different.
okay my boyfriend smokes
weed about everyday
ever since i met him i have asked him
to stop
made him promise
threatended him i was going to leave
him talk to him about how weed is bad
and he would be better without it.
and you know what
he said he would quit for me too
that he would to anything for me
and that he wants to quit
whatever he tells you its not true
he will not quit unless he wants to
no matter what you tell him what you do
he wont
i been with my boyfriend for
14 months!
he quits for 3 days and goes back
to it. the most he quit for was 1 week!
unless your boyfriend is the opposite of mine
he wont change and the fact that he smokes weed
affects you emotionally if you stay in the relationship
you guys will argue about him smoking since you dont
like it and it will get out of hand so if you really like him
stay with him just no that he wont stop or change for you
men dont change trust me my mom drug addict x was in the hospital
for over dosing on some shiet he was in the intensive care room about to die he gets out and starts doing more shiet then goes to jail and
this guy started smoking weed at 13 and now look at him 38 and doing more bad stuff.
if you like him then dont try to change him it wont work
you can try try and it might work but most likely it wont
im sorry but thats the truth and i know because i been
with my boyfriend for so long haha
see how much i wrote.
another thing it really affects me emotionally that he smokes
weed because i know that it will eventually become cancer
in someplace in his body and i know that the things his doing
is not gonna get him somewhere good in life i love him and
it would kill me if something happen to him.
so yeahh
shiet gets in jail
youve been dating for 2 weeks, not 2 years so you dont necessarily have any right to tell him how to live his life. its weed not heroin.
Theres nothing wrong with smoking weed. Get some proof then critizize it,
the answer is in the site in my sources
why are you scared? lol. weed is not addictive. its not bad at all. better than smoking cigarrettes and/or drinking alcohol.
try it yourself and you will see!!!
dont force someone to stop doing something that they like to do.
you should start to smoke weed with him and get hooked.. so you can smoke weed when you sleep haha
You can’t make him do anything. Quitting weed is something he’ll have to do on his own. He should want to quit so his head isn’t all in the clouds when you’re around. He should want to quit because he wants to be able to get a good job or do better in school.
If you knew he smoked before you dated then you’re going to have to live with the fact that he’ll continue to smoke until he’s ready to stop. If you threaten to break up with him over it, even if he does quit he’ll always resent you for that. Making a bigger issue out of something that wasn’t a dealbreaker to begin with when you first started dating. Just be thankful he’s not doing speed or popping pills.
First of all I can clearly see from your question that you have neither the intellect nor the social composure to engage in a healthy relationship. With that being said, for the sake of humanity please stay in school and actually listen to the teacher but most of all, don’t reproduce! The world is so very full of stupidity I fear that anything you spawn will likely follow in your welfare check trailer trash footsteps.