Ok ive tried to quit smoking and its very hard ive tried chewing gum nicotine gum and tried cold turkey but still cant find the willpower to quit im wanting to do it for health reasons and it also just downright stanks! If anyone has any tips or any knowledge of how to quit can you please share and what can help me to quit? Thanks for looking!

To quit smoking will not only reduce health risks for you, but also for the people that surround you. Think about your family and friends. It will improve everyone’s quality of life. Smoking (and I know most smokers don’t want to hear this) is a selfish habbit, because they’re not taking to consideration the well being and comfort of the people that surround them.
There are sooo many reasons to stop smoking yet none to do it. The important thing is you CAN stop smoking, do it for yourself & for your loved ones.
God bless!
quitting smoking is one of the easiest things to do in the world, ive done it hundreds of times- mark twain
determination my friend
My dads best friend almost died 7 months ago from smoking. He really didnt have a way to stop but when he got his heart attack he NEEDED to stop so hes off. Try throwing everything away and getting rid of all of it.
I understand your dilema about quiting smoking. My best friend was a life long smoker and he decided that it was time to quit smoking, before something bad happens. He thought he would do it Cold Turkey and that failed miserably. He was irratible and everything else that goes with withdrawals. He did some research and found a product that is All Natural. Hope this helps.