I quit smoking cigarettes recently, how much time will it take bitterness in my mouth to go away?

I still have bitterness in the mouth. I know its nicotine. I try to chew sweet-gum, but the bitterness is still there. I am also drinking lot of water so that it dissolves and goes away, it has helped to an extent. But it still it feels bitter.

Any suggestions? I quit smoking cigarettes about a week ago.

What is a good way to quit smoking marijuana?

I must be severely addicted because smoking weed has become a part of my everyday life to the extent that i will not go to class, work, or even to get something to eat unless i have smoked some marijuana. I feel like it is so important but when i do smoke it…it doesn’t even make me feel very good, sometimes i actually feel worse. I think i am so addicted because it just feels like a routine that i have gotten so used to…i get satisfaction out of the "act" of packing it and rolling it…and not much from the actual effects because i am so tolerant to it! Please give me some serious feedback from people who have quit for significant periods of time? Thanks!