Cigarettes Suck! You Can Quit Smoking!

Cigarettes are horrible for you! You can quit smoking if you want to. All you have to do is set your mind to it. It’s called Willpower. Thanks for watching! Subscribe if you like my stuff 🙂 Sharing my videos would help me out a ton! Like my page! Here’s the link to the Center of disease control smoking risks sheet

Smoking is harder to quit for women

This is a very interesting discussion as to whether it is harder for women to quit smoking than men. Some see not difference between the sexes on this topic at all.

A new study has shown that male and female brains respond differently to nicotine. This has prompted scientists to rethink treatment programmes to help women give up smoking. Source FAIR USE NOTICE: This video has been posted to further advance our understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, Technological, democratic, scientific, and social justice issues which constitutes a “fair use” of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 USC Section 107 for research and educational purposes.

Do you think tobacco companies should open rehab centers for those addicted who want to quit smoking?

Millions of people are hopelessly addicted and want to quit but can’t. The addiction is so bad that even all their friends dying from lung cancer doesn’t stop them. Many people near death still have to light up to the very end.

I smoke about 2 packs a day. If there was a rehab center for stopping smoking, I would definitely check in. What are your thoughts on this?

Quit Smoking!?

Does anyone have any new/creative/interesting or sucessful tricks or ideas on how to quit smoking? I’ve been smoking for abou 2-3 years now and when my mom died at the age of 47 from lung cancer (though hers was not smoking related), I promised her I would quit. Just recently I found out her mother has emphysethmia, and my father is also a smoker (for many years) and is short of breath often. (He lives with me so it is tough when I decide to quit, if he still smokes). Also, I had a PE, or Pulmonary Embolism (blood clot in the lung) in the past 2 years that could’ve been fatal, and I have a 3 year old who I want to live a long healthy life for. No, I don’t smoke around her. Plus, I just don’t enjoy smoking anymore, b/c of the smell, the health risks, it gives me headaches, but the nicotine has got a strong hold on me. Please help if you can! Thank you!
First off, I am an adult so I have been to school and gone through health classes that showed pictures of dieased lungs, so obviously that didn’t work. Do you know what is worse than looking at those pics? Seeing your own mom die from lung cancer. And to tell the truth, when I started smoking, I didn’t care about myself or my body. Thank you to the serious and non-offensive people. I am only human and I make mistakes too. I am now trying to rectify that.
Natalie, someone as dim as u r should’ve been able to spell the word stupid since u probably hear it often. Anyway, try growing up in a house in which your parents smoke and make it seem like it’s no big deal.