Quit Smoking Tip: Healthy Diets During Withdrawal | HealthiNation

Don’t let weight gain scare you away from quitting smoking. It’s time for a rejuvenating diet plan. Related Videos: Quit Smoking Tip: What Happens When We Smoke | HealthiNation www.youtube.com Quit Smoking Tip: Set A Quit Day! | HealthiNation www.youtube.com Quit Smoking Tip: Stress & Withdrawal | HealthiNation www.youtube.com Success Story: I Quit Smoking! (Part 1 of 2) | HealthiNation www.youtube.com Success Story: You Can Be A Quitter Too (Part 2 of 2) | HealthiNation www.youtube.com TRANSCRIPT: If you’re going to be a quitter, then you need to live like a quitter, and that means getting started on a healthy diet that will help your body recover from the effects of smoking. But a diet doesn’t mean cutting out foods — in fact, limiting your food intake while trying to quit may increase your cigarette cravings. Instead, develop a nourishing plan that will help you get through those first rough months. Snacks are your friend — carry light snacks like pretzels, nuts, and fruits with you everywhere to keep your hands and mouth busy. Incorporate filling grains like whole-wheat pasta into your larger meals; fried and fatty foods will only add to the sluggishness you may be feeling. And when you do need some pep, say no to crave-triggering caffeine in soda and coffee and opt for tea or water instead. And remember, even if you do put on a few extra pounds during this time, the years you will add onto your life will make it well worth it! Sources: 1. Quitting Smoking- Help for

Is it harder to lose weight after you quit smoking?

I quit smoking four months ago, and have gained quite a bit of weight. I know I eat too much and I’m sure it’s because I am substituting smoking with food. Anyway, I worked out and dieted hardcore for over a month and nothing happened. Normally I lose weight relatively quickly if I am working my butt off at the gym and watching my diet. Is this lack of weight loss due to my quitting smoking? I smoked for 9 years.

How can i stop overeating since i quit smoking cigarettes?

ive quit smoking for almost 3 weeks and have gone from 140 to 172lb. thats 32 pounds in 3 weeks. i was very lean and i just lost control. i used to use cigarettes as an appetite supressor with my diet but now i find it very hard to stick to a diet. its like the 3rd day that i give in. dieting is extremely harder since i quit smoking. i feel lke i have to eat everything. im gaining hella fat and i need to nip it in the bud. any advice to get my fatass moving in the right direction instead of wineing on yahoo?