I quit smoking four months ago, and have gained quite a bit of weight. I know I eat too much and I’m sure it’s because I am substituting smoking with food. Anyway, I worked out and dieted hardcore for over a month and nothing happened. Normally I lose weight relatively quickly if I am working my butt off at the gym and watching my diet. Is this lack of weight loss due to my quitting smoking? I smoked for 9 years.

another reason that u gain weight after u quit smoking is not just because u are eating more but because your metabolism actually slows down when u quit smoking. when u smoke consistantly the nicotine actually speeds it up. but i am struggling to quit smoking right now so it is good that u have quit. one way to avoid gaining as much weight is to eat healthy food and eat small amounts continously through out the day instead of one big meal when u are starving! that way your metabolism keeps working all day.good luck
Your body must now get used to the idea of no more nicotine – Do Not Give Up and maybe chewing gum will help ease the desire to eat and eat healthy foods
Yes, your metabolism slows down when you stop smoking making it harder for the body to burn off excess fat. Upping your daily exsercise and keeping an eye on your diet will help you maintain your weight.
Smoking doesn’t have anything to do with it.
What you need to do is change your routine. IF you are working out in the afternoon then try working out in the morning. Try eating different foods then what you’ve been eating. Substitue fish like tuna for chicken. IF you are drinking diet sodas then stop because they have an enormus amount of sodium and that makes you retain water.
Drink more water because it helps flush out things in your body and actually helps lose weight.
Not knowing you I can’t really give you a detailed plan but this is what I almost always recommend to anyone at my gym.
Try working out in the morning before you eat anything. Walk and jog and do your exercises. Then eat a light but balanced breakfast.
You don’t want to starve your body because it won’t digest or use the food you do give it to burn energy…instead it will store it.
Remember that digesting food keeps your metabolism busy and this burns calories…so feed your body…not too much..just a small snack between meals….read exerpts from South Beach Diet or Body For Life and you’ll see the 6 meal a day plan.
Between breakfast and lunch you’ll have a cheese stick and some celery or something. There are kinds of varieties of stuff to try. Basically without taking in too many calories you keep fueling your body. I’d stay somewhere between 1500 and 2000 calories and remember no sugar because it makes you store fat.
When working out then push yourself beyond your limits. When you’re ready to quit make yourself go another 10 minutes or do another 10 exercises. You’ll be proud of yourself for going all the way.
I guarantee you will lose at least 15 pounds in the first month and then 1-2 pounds a week there after if you follow this method. Just remember that while you are doing this you’ll be replacing muscle with fat and muscle weighs more but it looks better, so don’t be discouraged if you feel like you are getting in shape but the scale doesn’t reflect it because once the muscle is there it will start using and burning off that extra fat to fuel itself. Then you’ll be dropping pounds again.
Good luck with this…please don’t give up…it’s inside every person to be successful at what they do…try looking at yourself in the mirror and telling yourself you know you can do it. Put a mirror in your kitchen along with your goal for the week written on it in erasable marker….that way you stare at yourself and your goal when you are trying to cheat or to reencourage yourself when you’re eating that cottage cheese and salad for dinner.
Share your goals with other people so you’ll be more apt to push yourself to reach them. Then share the fact you’ve reached them when you hit them. Write your accomplishment on part of the mirror too and you’ll be so proud of yourself.
sorry this was so long but it works and you’ll be glad you read it
congrats on quitting smoking too!
Pl avoid meat and take vegetarian food.
No milk products.
Take count of your calories in your diet.
At the Gym do tread mill for as long as you start sweating.
Stop when you Sweat,see how many calories you have burnt.
The amount you burn must be 80% of your food calories.
You will slowly loose weight.Keep your Hip to waist ratio at 0.90..
Your BMI( body mass index) should be normal.
Take care of your health.
Let us make all the doctors watch TV in their consulting room.
Good Luck.