I have smoked for many years now. I’m already overweight, so I wanted to find out what was the best way to quit smoking for sure. I didn’t want to gain anymore weight by quitting smoking, and wanted to quit for sure now.
Does anyone have any good suggestions that could help me quit forever?

There you go for more info : http://index-go.com/health_fitness_medical_medicines/quitting_smoking.asp
Good luck !
My husband quit cold turkey about 8 years ago. He chewed regular sugar free gum and sucked on hard candy. If you think you need help to quit then talk to your doc about this.
The patch worked for me. Depending how much you smoke will determine if you should use the 21mg, 14 mg or the 7mg patch. You apply the patch daily for 2 weeks, then move on to the lower dose for another 2 weeks. I was able to use the patch for one week and then move to the lower dose. You can even try the store brand of the patch, it works just as well.
stop 1 cig. a week- its painless, take up knitting or other hand stuff
I am serious, use hypnotherapy to back up the process of quitting. You may need two or three visits but I have heard this helps greatly. Then you may want to try the nicotine patches or gum along with his to keep your aggresion down through the withdrawal from smoking.
a. smoking patches
b. every time u have a craving for one just take out the ciggarette and lighter and just fiddle aro;und with it untill the craving goes away. it is a mind trick and ino sumone who has tried it and sais they like it.
All the above answers I would recommend, plus constantly hanging out with friends/family who DON’T smoke. Especially if they know you’re trying to quit, they’ll definitely watch out for you.
Honestly, you just have to believe you can and resist temptation, that’s how I did it. I started jogging and that helped. Other than that, I can tell you the gum, patches and other ideas didn’t help me, I helped me.
Every person is different, I drink a full glass of water every time I feel the urge. Find out how long the sensation lasts (of wanting to smoke), believe it or not, it’s only about 30-60 seconds. It increases a little and comes more often over time.
Statistics say that the best way is just going COLD TURKEY.
Cold turkey. Carry chewing gum.
It gets easier every ………week that you are smoke-free.
Believe me – it’s well worth using up all the will power you will ever have.
I’m not noted for MY will power so if I could do it – anybody can.
The only serious way to quit is COLD TURKEY. That is the way I quit after 22 years. And I have been off of cigarettes for 20 years now and I still want one. Any one that says that they don’t miss them is a liar.
Well I can’t say I know a true way to quit. I’ve heard people doing everything. I have had a few friends who were heavy set and smoked frequently. The way they all seemed to quit was to be more active. Started going to the gym and running/ bike riding. They are all very healthy now and havent smoked for a long time. They said that every time they craved a cigarette they would do some sort of Cardio activity. You could also try the patch while doing this. The gum as well when you crave a cigarette chew nicorette or any gum. Find something to take the place of the cigarette. I honestly believe its majority of a habbit problem. I mean the nicotine is addicting etc. But I think most people smoke after smokeing a long time can’t quit because they have done it so long. Smoking causes a loss in apetite so don’t decide since you stopped smoking to eat alot more because thats a problem I have seen. Quittings different for everyone you’ll probably have attempted several different things before you can finally find what works for you. Just get out and try if you really want to quit you can. Good Luck to you!
The best thing way is through realization. You have to realize for yourself all of the bad things that smoking has brought into your life. Seriously, that tight feeling in your chest? That’s not normal..
And go take a look at your tongue, see little dark dots on the side? Yeah those are from cigarettes for sure. And your teeth are looking just as terrible. And no, that cough is not normal. Once you face these things, quitting will come naturally.
Altoids or hot tamales
Welcome to the club. I recently quit smoking like 3 months ago, uptill now I am strong in my resolve. The reason being I am 40 and think its high time I quit smoking before getting into serious health trouble.
I am using a combination of hypnosis and natural remedy (Crave-RX) to quit. Hynosis works at the subconscious level to eliminate the triggers that cause us to smoke and Crave-RX is good reduce nicotine craving and suppress withdrawal symptoms. I am not overweight so not worried about gaining weight.
The good thing about Crave-RX is it will also help to prevent the sugar cravings and compensatory overeating which often cause people to go back to cigarettes due to unwanted weight gain.
For detailed info on hypnosis and natural remedies go the following website.