How many people plan to quit smoking because of the new cigarette tax?

My brand of cigarettes just went up .00 a carton and will go up another .20 April 1st for the new tax. I am done with cigarettes! Have a doctor’s appointment to get Chantix.

Besides why should I as a smoker pay for someone else’s child health care? I take care of my own already.

If more people quit smoking how will they pay for the enormous cost?

How to Quit Smoking Effortlessly

Roy Masters shows the concealed hypnotic relationship to cigarette smoking, and the one particular easy thing you require to understand and practice to quit once and for all. Smoking-related illnesses claim an predicted 430700 American lives every year. Cigarette smoking costs the United States around .2 billion every year in health-care expenses and lost productivity. It is directly accountable for 87 percent of lung cancer instances and leads to most cases of emphysema and long-term bronchitis. Discover how to Quit cigarette smoking, and some other destructive addictions in this easy lesson.

How difficult is it to quit smoking after a month?

I sort of unconsciously picked up smoking during a stressful point in my life, and I realize now that it’s stupid and I’ve gotten rid of my cigarettes and I’m starting tomorrow to quit. During this past month I’ve smoked somewhere between 5 and 7 cigarettes a day. I have never felt addicted, necessarily, but I know I could be once I stop. I’m just wondering how hard it’s going to be, and how long the crappy feelings are going to last. Basically, I need some motivation and reassurance.

What’s the easiest way to quit smoking and will it help my anxiety and depression?

I’ve been smoking for as long as I can remember. I know the doctors tell me it will help my axiety, I have extreme anxiety and panic disorder. But it’s hard to quit especially when everyone around me smokes cigarettes too. Have any of you anxiety sufferers quit smoking and did it help? And what’s the easiest and quickest way to quit? Help Please!

Stop Smoking : How to Help My Spouse Quit Smoking

Helping a spouse quit smoking can add much needed support for a successful quit as long as he or she does not feel pressured. Find out the best way to support a spouse while quitting with advice from a smoking cessation specialist in this free video on ways to quit smoking. Expert: Michela Christensen Contact: Bio: Michela Christensen is a tobacco cessation counselor working for Breathe California. Her class has helped hundreds of smokers stop smoking. Filmmaker: Bing Hugh

How hard is it to quit smoking?

I’m planning on quitting starting Aug 21st. My reason is so i can live longer for my child, plus he has asthma and i don’ t want the cigarette smoke in my clothes anymore when he breathes it in. Another reason is gas prices are so high now and between gas prices and buying cigarettes i spend at least -0 a month. This will be my first time ever doing this, i don’t even know how to quit or avoid the cravings. I really can’t afford the smoking cessation classes (don’t know if i spelled the word right lol) i just want to do it on my own. I already know that the nicotine gum won’t work because i already chew gum when i’m smoking a cigarette. Need advice please and thank you to all!
I have people that will support me, like my boyfriend (he wants me to quit also), co-workers, my mom said she’ll support me but she smokes too and i live with her, i know other family members will be willing to help me.

The time to quit

Here is someone who has looked at smoking from a rational basis and has come to the conclusion that it is time to give up smoking.

I decided for myself that I do want to quit smoking, be prepared for some changes.keep your fingers crossed for me..that would help me a lot.