My brand of cigarettes just went up .00 a carton and will go up another .20 April 1st for the new tax. I am done with cigarettes! Have a doctor’s appointment to get Chantix.
Besides why should I as a smoker pay for someone else’s child health care? I take care of my own already.
If more people quit smoking how will they pay for the enormous cost?

I am going to quit for sure. I think it is absolutely ridiculous. I feel like the government is dictating what people should do because of the very high increase. I am not even quitting because of the price, I am quitting out of pure principle that I do not want the government to touch a penny of mine because of this tax.
I think a lot of smoker’s will finally wise up and plan to quit. There will probably be some people who will not quit but I hope at lease 30 percent decide to quit. I think the government made a big mistake on raising cigarettes this much. Some would say that it will save money in the long run because of health problems but, you could debate that forever. For example, you could say that the government should tax fast food because it could save money in the long run.
The government is going to hurt more business because of this, something which is probably not a good idea now. The government is just going to find something else to tax after they find out this does not work and probably think why they did this to smokers in the first place. So come on anti-smokers, TELL ME HOW WRONG I AM AND GIVE ME A THUMBS DOWN!!!!
No one
That’s one thing I don’t understand. One of the justifications you hear for raising the tax on tobacco is that it will discourage people from picking up the habit or encourage current smokers to quit. But then if they quit, doesn’t that mean their revenue source would dry up and they would no longer have the money to pay for this new social program they have expanded? So when that happens, who pays for the program now that people have gotten used to it and feel they are entitled to it?
I am planning to quit, what better incentive than to save money if the health didnt cause me to quit. I tried chantix it made me depressed. i am going to the patches this time and just grit my teeth and hang on.
Rising the prices doesn’t solve anything, it just takes more money from people.
ah,yes that is going to be my revenge from the grave.all the smoking nazis will pay for those taxes somehow.government never does with less.
if you really think it will go for children’s health care you are dreaming.every time they raise the tax it’s for the same reason and it goes a little to the health fund but mostly goes to the general fund.
how about that horrendous multibillion lawsuit that the tobacco companies was supposed to be for the same thing.just how unhealthy are we?
If it actually was going to healthcare I wouldn’t mind so much. But, I just go back to rolling my own.
We were just talking about this in my current issues class today. I agree that it’s a good way to make money since so many people smoke, and a good way to make people stop doing a bad thing since the price is so high, but I don’t think it’s fair to make just smokers pay for the stimulus package (to which it’s going). It’s like punishing them for something that’s not illegal, which is very wrong.
I think some people are gonna stop smokin
what’s next big macs?
I quit four years ago, good luck.