11 thoughts on “How to quit smoking? Is there any tips for quitting smoking?”

  1. my uncle tried this and so should you!
    1. find a jelly jar (or any little jar) and fill it half way with water
    2. put some cigarettes inside the jar
    3. shake it up and put the cap on
    4. bring it with you everywhere a
    5. smell it when you want to smoke
    6. keep smelling until the urge goes away (warning: it smells AWFUL)
    7. after a while, you won’t even WANT to THINK about smoking
    it worked for him, and i really hope it works for you. good luck!!

  2. It’s not easy to quit smoking immediately. However, why don’t you try to smoke fewer? For example, try to smoke 1 or 2 cigarettes for some time. Then try not to smoke it for some time. Hope you will be used to non-smoke.

  3. Cold turkey is the only way to go. Quick and cheap, and all you need is the WANT to quit. I see it this every day: A woman finds out she’s pregnant, so she quits. A man finds out he has heart disease or lung cancer, so he quits.

    You’ll miss the habit for about 2 weeks. Chew gum, drink lots of water. Then you’ll start to feel cleaner and better, and you’ll be proud to say, "I don’t smoke."

    Willpower!!! Here’s a star to get you started! Congratulations!!! You can do it! I know you can!! 🙂

  4. Very hard, but possible. You have to want to quit. When my father quit about 20 years ago he said he had a trick that really helped him a lot. He said that whenever he had the urge to have a cigarette, he would change his thinking to something else. Think about something else, keep yourself busy, think about all of the positive results of quiting. I hope you succeed and have a healthy life! If you have any questions, feel free to email me anytime! Good luck =D

  5. this worked for me. only take money w u that u absulutly need ok. so u cant buy ur usual brand-tell ur family to not give u n e either. next buy some cigerrets that 1. make u sick. 2. doesnt satisfy u at all. i bought those nasty cigerrets that YOU h

  6. you can read the plenty of experiences and articles on the net to get yourself started..these will give you a pretty good idea on how to quit smoking..

    i have found lots of sites that offer free advice..
    this is one of them: http://healthexercisepro.com

  7. everyone is different and a method that works well for one person may not work so well for some else. The main ingredient is your desire to quit – once you are 100% sure YOU WANT TO QUIT then all methods actually get easier. After many, many failed attempts my husband and myself both quit "for good" in May 1996 and have been 100% smoke free ever since… I know one thing once you do manage to quit you never regret it – the only thing you regret is the amount of money you wasted on your smoking habit!

  8. Is your body and mind addicted to just the nicotine or the nicotine & habit. For me it was both so I went with http://www.stopsmokingwithecigarettes.com Now I am slowly taking my body off the nicotine without any of the with drawls. I don’t have to worry about any of the negative side effects because there aren’t any. (no second hand smoke.) I also no longer have to worry about "where" I can have my next smoke because I use it when ever where ever I want. Cost is 1/2 the price of a pack of cigarettes. It’s amazingly easy to get to the next lower cartridge.

  9. My parents tried for years to quit smoking. Mom tried Zyban and a bunch of other drug related things, but nothing helped without giving her some nasty side effects.

    In the end she tried hypnosis, and hasn’t touched cigarettes since. Neither does she want to! 😀

    There’s a company I visit on the internet (see source below) who do hypnosis downloads. Basically, just listen to the download each day and your mindset towards smoking will change.

    You won’t smoke anymore because you just won’t want to! It’s the most easy and powerful way I know! Hope that helps!

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