Roy Masters shows the concealed hypnotic relationship to cigarette smoking, and the one particular easy thing you require to understand and practice to quit once and for all. Smoking-related illnesses claim an predicted 430700 American lives every year. Cigarette smoking costs the United States around .2 billion every year in health-care expenses and lost productivity. It is directly accountable for 87 percent of lung cancer instances and leads to most cases of emphysema and long-term bronchitis. Discover how to Quit cigarette smoking, and some other destructive addictions in this easy lesson.

simple and effective
Does this really work????
Yes. Awareness, properly administered, is the best way to overcome any addiction.
Thank you. Someone I care about is trying to quit, and this video really helped.
i think i understand this. im desperate to stop i hate it. ive been trying to stop for years
@RoyMastersVideos All I did was watch the demo, I havent even gone through the process. I believe I have quit. Every time I consider smoking, I DONT !! Thank God for you my dear friend. I’ve recommended you on denver craigslist rants and raves. many lonely people go there. I heard you on 600 am kcol. You are amazing darling…I wish I could repay you…
@urdifferent Its worked for me and all I did was watch it one time. Havent even gone through the process.