Are you looking to use hypnotherapy to stop smoking. This is a good video which shows you exactly what takes place during one of the sessions.
The person in the video is a DJ in a bar. He is still smoke-free 18 months later… Hypnosis Superstore. This video clip demonstrates hypnotic phenomena, catalepsy, age regression, fast learning, APP.

It was great if you were him! He is still smoke free, 2 years later
Hypnotherapy is a great tool for smokers and people with phobias. Seeing a clinical hypnotherapist for quitting smoking may be the best thing you ever do. Thanks for sharing the video.
You have to ask the hypnotist if he has an NHS number and if he does, ask your GP to refer you to him. If you live near Grimsby come to me
This guy needs to slow down and use a gentle voice to help him in his field, but still great try.
okay, i had watched your other video on hypnoing people at home. the one with the dry erase board. i have come to conclusion that you do know what your doing. one thing i think you should improve on is relaxing your voice. let it be softer and flowing. you speak fairly quick in your videos..
im not; i was given him advice. i think if he slows and softens his voice it would sounds better. i wasn’t trying to be rude.
@hinduw i agree!
Richard. wow. nice. mission accomplished. I was actually looking for a demonstration of this being done right.
Very, very nice.
Basically I did everything the hypnotist said, pretended to be his client, ignored everything else. I just feel like I woke from a deep sleep and the colour of red feels really invigorating now. Let’s see how this will affect my smoking tomorrow.
This guy is a good hypnotist.
Wow! I just quit smoking this morning and have been pissed off and agravated all day. I just followed this guys directions and all of a sudden feel… refreshed, and Im sure I didnt get the full effect over youtube. I dont crave a cig right now… Hell yes! I bet its hugely more effective in person.
@lennylorenzo1 You are doing great! Keep it up!
I’m convinced this guy is the real deal! I wish I could have a private session with him to help with tobacco cravings. Excellent video. Thank You.
Oh wow… I’ve been wanting to quit for the longest time, and today there is NO tobacco in the house, I figured it might be worth a shot to try a hypnosis to finally quit, and I have to say, I feel so refreshed! I didn’t even notice the red coloured things on my desk before, but when I opened my eyes, I really like looking at them, and my breathing is a lot better now (I’m an asthmatic) I think this will really help, I’m adding this to my faves to help in the next few days if I need it! Thanks!
I actually followed along, and felt a bit scared when i fell into a deep state of relaxation. Not sure, but maybe it was the sense of loss of control. Anyway, i will let yu know what happens with my smoking habbit.
@ClinicalHypnosis Everyone in my house smokes and will honestly refuse to change their ways as insane as that sounds….How much does a session like this usually run someone….On average..I don’t think the youtube version will give me the full benefit
@grasperxxx The fees depend on geography. As little as $75 is a souther rural area, up to $400 in New York. I think the average is about $150.
And you are correct you will get much more out of a live session. This session worked for this guy, but different people respond to different things and have different needs.
@ClinicalHypnosis thank you..i’m down to the 3 options of nicotine gum,e-cigarettes,and hypnosis…i’ve tried everything else and nothing seems to work
@grasperxxx Try hyppnosis. Nothing wrong with gum or e-cigarettes. It is relaly NOT the nicotine that is the primary health risk, it is all the other stuff. Gum and e-cigarettes can even be combined with hypnosis. What is most important is to find what works for you!
I find it really weird how I had my last smoke while watching this video. That was April 17. At about 45 minutes past 5 in the evening. With the proper motivation for stopping and seeing this video. I suppose I owe you a little bit of credit. Thanks!
@tekren6 Congrats! Glad to have helped in any way! 🙂