I’ve been smoking for as long as I can remember. I know the doctors tell me it will help my axiety, I have extreme anxiety and panic disorder. But it’s hard to quit especially when everyone around me smokes cigarettes too. Have any of you anxiety sufferers quit smoking and did it help? And what’s the easiest and quickest way to quit? Help Please!

Its called self will
if thats strong enough, you got it made
people here tell their stories on how they quit as well
Good luck
There is no easy way to quit smoking. The quickest way is to stop right now then discipline yourself to never pick one up again. If you are really determined you can stop permanently.
Forget the drugs, gums and patches is all they do is just delay the withdrawal form tobacco and actually makes it even harder to quit in the end.
It does get easier over time I promise. It just takes time…
Good luck!
Know that God can help you live a better life if you want Him to help you. You can have a personal relationship with God by saying the prayer below. God is our Creator, all-knowing, all-powerful, eternal, holy, love. God loves us and sent us His Son, Jesus Christ, so we can go to heaven if we know and follow Him. Forever means without end — time on and on without death. Forever is what happens after we die. Either we go to heaven and be with God forever, or we go to hell which is very bad and painful forever. The good people who are saved believers in Jesus Christ go to heaven. The bad people go to hell. We need to know and follow God in this world to get to heaven in the next world. We follow God by loving and obeying Him and loving others for Him. Jesus Christ, God’s Son, is our bridge to God. Jesus died on the cross to cancel our sins. We need to accept Jesus into our life as our Lord and Savior forever to receive God’s blessing and forgiveness plus go to heaven to be with God forever after we die. This is about being a born-again Christian. Faith in God is a gift from God. You can pray for faith in God. Just speak out and ask God for the faith to believe in Him and to follow Him. Some people find faith in God when they realize the beauty in the world is made by God. Evolution can’t explain the world’s natural beauty, for example, the parks in the world, animals, flowers, peacocks, sunsets, butterflies, rainbows, etc. After you have your faith on, you can pray a sinner’s prayer to be a born-again Christian. This prayer is very important and should be said with a sincere heart and faith in God. This is the prayer: "Dear God, I know that I am a sinner and that Jesus Christ is the sacrifice for our sins. I have done the following sins (state these out) and I pray to discontinue these sins. I pray to receive Jesus Christ into my life as my Lord and Savior forever. In Jesus’ name, amen." I’m Lutheran and I like the Baptist churches too. You could check out a Christian church and also see about their weekly Bible study group as a good way to learn about God’s will for your life. You can pray to God about your daily life and have a Christian church pray for you.
Hi Brandy,
For your smoking problem, I have a healthy cigarette for you. You can quit smoking tobacco and start smoking a healthy cigarette.
Here is the link: http://www.greensmoke.com/bestprice
For your anxiety problem, I have even better news. This takes away your anxiety for good.
Here is the link: http://www.dianetics.org
I hope it helps.
Visit: http://nosmoking.khurrum.com
All the best
decide to stop wright now,then set a goal for your life. Decide what do you want to achieve in life and go after it whatever it takes. once you do that,you will never be the same.check out my blog http://www.thepowerofselftalkandpositivethinking.com ,I’ve got a great ebook by Bob Proctor and its free,I suppose it will be a good start for you.. Good luck.
Start having Champix and chantix and it will surely help you leaving the habit of smoking
Cigarettes cannot be left suddenly it needs time.Minimize the number of cigarettes everyday from now.
A few days ago I found a special Web page, which is the emotional side of giving up smoking is presented.
Have never read elsewhere this honestly, clearly and credibly on this issue.
Good heart, I recommend to everyone…
Nicotine Only Temporarily Lowers Anxiety
The key thing to know about nicotine and anxiety is that nicotine only produces a temporary relief from anxiety, that also compromises overall physical health. Many people turn to cigarettes when they are anxious, and the physiological effects of the nicotine can create a calming sensation. However, this usually only works until the substance work through your system, meaning that ongoing anxiety provoking situations will return the person to same level of anxiety as he/she had before the cigarette.
There is an all natural way to quit smoking without anxiety and stress.
Check it out!