How do I get my parents to stop smoking?

My parents have been smoking for years. I have asthma and I have a 3 year old little brother. My parents try not to smoke around us and used to smoke out of our chimney in the winter. But now we just moved into a new house, and there is no fireplace so they just smoke in the house. They can’t afford to use those quit smoking programs and buying cigarettes 3 times a day doesn’t help. They are truly amazing people, but smoking isn’t really making a good influence on others especially my brother and I. How can I get them to stop smoking?

How to quit smoking completely if i smoke only one or two Cigarettes a day?

I have been smoking for 10 months and i used to smoke around 5 Cigarettes a day……Now my Fiance seriously wants me to quit smoking completely….I didn’t smoked for one whole week but then again i started smoking one or two cigarettes. Whenever i get up after sleep or sit where my friends are smoking. I feel like smoking. Please tell me how can i quit it completely….!!!!

How do you quit smoking when your spouse smokes?

I really want to stop smoking before it takes a toll on me in any way. I hate the smell of cigarettes on my clothes and the transfer from my sheets to my bedding. We don’t smoke in our home except the bathroom. The main problem is I’ve tried to quit before (I smoke half a pack a day) but my DH smokes two packs a day and when he smokes when he gets home it makes it hard for me to quit. What do I do and/or what’s the best way to quit?

Quit Smoking Advice

Everyone needs some encouragement and this video can help you keep moving in the right direction.

These clips are from the BBC: Horizon documentary series entitled “We Love Cigarettes”. The advice Allen Carr gives is pretty damn good, it convinced me (a 5 year smoker) to quit cold turkey. It has been a couple months now and I’m still going strong. Update: It has been over one year since my last cigarette and I have never been tempted to look back. I really hope this simple advice has helped someone else.

FDA Law Increases Smoking

The Food & Drug Administration (FDA), a U.S. federal government agency, has been given the power by Congress to regulate cigarettes and smoking in the U.S.

This will affect a large number of Americans, Americans who smoke. According to a 2008 report from the Center For Disease Control (CDC) the number of smokers in America is 43.4 million.

Among other things, the FDA plans to force cigarette manufacturers to reduce the amount of nicotine in cigarettes. Nicotine is the addictive substance contained in cigarettes and, according to the government experts, reducing the amount of nicotine in cigarettes will reduce the addiction to cigarettes and make it easier for people to quit smoking. In reality, the opposite is true. If the nicotine level in cigarettes is reduced, smokers, in order to maintain the nicotine levels they are addicted to, will actually smoke MORE cigarettes. And, being forced to smoke more cigarettes, smokers will also inhale MORE of the dangerous and unhealthful chemicals in cigarettes – thus causing MORE smoking relating deaths and serious smoking related illnesses.

ban on smoking

The real-world result of the government’s plan to reduce nicotine in cigarettes in order to reduce smoking and promote good health will have the exact opposite and even more harmful effect. Obviously, the health experts and government legislators who supported and passed this new FDA regulation of cigarettes must be non-smokers, know nothing about the smoking experience and are, in fact, seriously ignorant in not realizing that their ‘let’s regulate cigarettes and reduce nicotine content to reduce smoking’ idea would have the opposite effect and cause smokers to smoke MORE.

It’s a pity Congress didn’t bother to ask actual smokers about the real-world consequences of this ill-advised, and harmful, anti-smoking legislation … BEFORE they passed it into law!

This is a very interesting approach to the problem and one that bears thinkg about.  It may be that the government has created a two-pronged approach to this matter for the sake of the tax revenues that are falling.  If the increase the cigarette tax and also decrease the nicotine content in cigarettes, one could naturally assume that, in the end, the tax dollars derived from this sin tax would grow.

smoking law

Obama Signs Tough New Anti-Smoking Law

Under the Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act, the FDA will be able to ban labels on cigarettes such as "low tar" and "light," outlaw candy flavorings, and order companies to reduce nicotine in tobacco products.

Smoking An Electronic Cigarette

It is said that the FDA intends to regulate tobacco products more and make cigarette manufacturers list the ingredients, but how much less harmful are those ingredients going to be? People already know that there are thousands of harmful … So the real question is, if people have the right to smoke deadly tobacco and are allowed to by law, why should they be not allowed to smoke a product with nicotine that is thought by so many to be be much safer that tobacco?

Congress Passes Major Anti-Smoking Law 

The Senate today passed a major anti-smoking law giving the Food and Drug Administration new, sweeping power to regulate tobacco products in the United States. … With the House having passed a similar bill already and the White House giving full support, the bill will soon become law granting the FDA unprecedented power in regulating nicotine content in tobacco products as well as their sale and marketing in the United States. The law will stop short of granting powers for an outright ban of tobacco.

4 Reasons to Stop Smoking

4 Great Reasons To Quit Smoking Right Now

As a smoker, you are constantly told about the millions of reasons why you need to quit smoking. I know that when I smoked, I was always being reminded that I was going to have a million strokes, high blood pressure, and all kinds of other bad things. Thinking back, it was really stupid of me not to listen to people, as these are the reasons why I don’t smoke any more.

Blindness: Studies have shown that smokers are at a vastly increased risk for loss of eyesight. Turns out that smoking is around on par with moonshine for smart things to do for your vision.

why stop smoking
Heartburn: I’ve seen research about this, but I didn’t really need to, having experienced it myself. Before quitting, I smoked anywhere between one and three packs a day. I remember regularly waking up to severe heartburn.

Impotence: There are several studies out there showing a correlation between smoking and erectile dysfunction. That should be enough to make you want to quit smoking right now if you’re a guy.

Depression: Sure, depressed people are supposed to smoke. That’s what you always see in the movies. It becomes self fulfilling, though, as being a smoker keeps you depressed and makes it even harder to enjoy life.

Of course, in addition to these three are the slew of well known health risks, ranging from emphysema to lung cancer. We all know how hard quitting smoking is supposed to be, but it’s well worth it if you want to live a happy life.

By: Roger C Edwards

Like all smokers, you’re constantly reminded of all the bad points of a cigarette addiction. You don’t want to know about how horribly you’re going to die if you keep smoking, you want to know how to kick the habit! Take a look at to learn how you can stop smoking today! 4 Great Reasons to quit smoking right now

why should people stop smoking

Your Quit Smoking Guide

Write down everything that happens when you quit. There is no greater weapon than your own words. If you have a journal where you note down all your reasons and desires, you will have a place to return when you feel like giving up.

Do You Really Need Reasons To Quit Smoking?

To lead you to the strength you’ll require to effectively quit smoking, you will need to evaluate yourself and discover the real reasons behind why you are still smoking. The first and foremost of the reasons to quit smoking is your addiction to nicotine.

More Reasons To Quit Smoking

There is a study that will be published in the July issue of the Journal of Neurochemistry that suggests a direct link between smoking and brain damage.