I really want to stop smoking before it takes a toll on me in any way. I hate the smell of cigarettes on my clothes and the transfer from my sheets to my bedding. We don’t smoke in our home except the bathroom. The main problem is I’ve tried to quit before (I smoke half a pack a day) but my DH smokes two packs a day and when he smokes when he gets home it makes it hard for me to quit. What do I do and/or what’s the best way to quit?

First thing is give yourself some self confidence to quit the smoking. After that you should know what are the problem when smoking and advantages of quitting smoking, then say the way. Some easy way is to use whenever willing to smoke means chewwing gum, and tablet is available it gives the effect of smoking. Take herbal anti smoking products. When mind is ask to smoke take small pencil and imagine that it is cigarrete and smoke it. Definitely you will stop the smoking habit. ok all the best try these tips now itself my dear friend.
For more anti smoking tips, visit this site: http://health-sex-money.com/GeneralHealth.html
You need to get DH to stop, then you will be able to follow along.
there is no easy way to do this, if you truly want to quit you will. You need will power. Start cutting back to a couple a day. Than eventually cut them all out. Find something to do to substitute smoking, every time u think about smoking chew some gum.
It will be 100x more difficult to stop when you are living with someone who smokes…but if u want to quit u will do it just have confidence and will power!
That is how I started smoking. The wife smokes and it just gave me the urge to start. I will not be able to quit until she does hopefully soon. Good luck.