I’ve quit smoking and I am on my 5th day! However, I feel really ill … just feel like crap. I feel like i wanna throw up!! Lost my appetite, can’t consentrate and I’ve got no energy at all. I just wondered if this could be withdrawal symptoms from not smoking? And i’m using nicotine patch , gum , and nasal spray! thanks !

It is normal, just hold out because you will feel so much better when you get past it. It has been a year for me, and even though I still think about smoking, now it is a feeling of pride that I was able to quit! Try to exercise, even if it is just walking it will give you more energy and help you stay committed. I hope you make it!!!
Those are the symptoms. Aren’t you glad you stopped smoking? If it can cause these symptoms when you stop, what the hell was it doing to you when you were doing it??
you are getting too much nicotine. does the nasal spray have nicotine in it? Too much nicotine will make you feel like crap. keep the patch and dont use the spray if it has nicotine in it.
Yes, I would say that it is withdrawal. Just give it a couple more days and your body will slowly adjust. If your worried though, you should see a doctor.
First and foremost, Congratulations. Stopping smoking is the best thing you can do for your health, Period. You are likely to feel bad for a few more days while your body gets used to the change. It depends on how much you smoked before as to how bad the Side Effects will be. It sounds like you are using a lot of nicotine alternatives and this could actually be more than you were getting in the first place. If for some reason you don’t think these methods are working or the problems get worse and persist you can talk to your doctor about Chantix. It has the highest smoking cessation rate of any other product. Good luck to you!