Everyone needs some encouragement and this video can help you keep moving in the right direction.
These clips are from the BBC: Horizon documentary series entitled “We Love Cigarettes”. The advice Allen Carr gives is pretty damn good, it convinced me (a 5 year smoker) to quit cold turkey. It has been a couple months now and I’m still going strong. Update: It has been over one year since my last cigarette and I have never been tempted to look back. I really hope this simple advice has helped someone else.

@Tom6093 you inspired me for other stuff 🙂 I think it’s super important to have a network of buddies to help you stay on track 🙂 I like how you encourage other people as well ! Keep it up you will succeed !
@madmax8779 dude, this guy used to smoke 100/day, a few years ago he sadly passed away from lung cancer.. This guy has made thousands of people non smokers.. how many people have you saved?
i don`t know about other smoker but I love my cigarettes
I quit smoking after reading his book. Allen Carr did more good to humanity than Benny Hinn and other preachers that ask you for donations so that he/she can buy a new mansion or private jet. Idiot. So quick to judge other people and saying that a good man lied, yeah, you’re living the bible dream.. asshole.
I would like to add that unlike you, my temptation HAD LEFT.. for good…
I hate to break it to you. It is as easy as he said if you read his book. I went overnight from a smoker to being a non-smoker.
I was skeptical at first with his method, but I went along with it and the next thing I know, I don’t want another cigarette after finishing the book.
Like you, I thought it was impossible to quit as well until after I read his book.
If you still have that temptations, maybe you should try reading his book.
Nothing worse than a smoker thats quit telling you what a bad habit it is….. But here it is… I quit and I now see what they were talking about.
Take it from me, I feel so proud I quit. Give it your best shot, you wont regret it.
im gonna quit i smoked my last 30 mins go ill post back here tomorrow wish me luck haha
The reason I started smoking was to stop taking steriods.
Search “Quit Smoking” on Krustbox (dot) com
I also stopped smoking, this man was a genius, his smoking days came at a price though as he still died form Lung Cancer, even more reason to listen to him
How effective is hypnosis when trying to quit?  w3. smoking-stops [dot] com
If you want to quit smoking but have a hard time changing habits, why not try electronic cigarettes? elcig. com
good advice.i’ve packed up 2 days now.22 years smoking cigs and 17 years smoking cannabis.i’m determined this time.i’m on the patches and they are working so far.
Im up on 2½ days now – Still going strong 🙂 Keep hanging in there everyone!
ive stopped 4 10 days now smoked for 11 years and i want 2 scoop my eyes oot wi a spoon
Good luck. I’ve quit about fifty times. So far, it has been for about 40 hours at a time.
I quit and for good …….one easy . wa y
EAT The cigarette. Ever time you want one…. eat it . If you can get to the filter throw it away .. You will then know how your lungs feel. Do it out side…. that way the mess will go on the ground. See how fast you will lose your craving.
Go smokers,we can do it! This man is a genius,read his book and it all makes perfect sense! good luck to all of you! :)))
this allen carr is kinda genius in his own domain of competence. his book is fascinating, beyond the quit smoking thing.
I quit smoking with his book “quit smoking the easy way”.
@maulmask congrats on trying to give up smoking! I hope you haven’t given in. Best of luck!! 😀