ive quit smoking im on my 5th day! but i feel realy ill just feel like crap ive lost my appetite, carnt consentrate got no energy atall. just wounderd if this could be withdrawal symtoms from not smoking? thanks!
IM USEING nicotine patch gum and nasal spray aswel!

Your body will be adjusting to the fact it is no longer inhaling cigarette smoke. It is all perfectly natural and nothing to worry about. Your pains will be gone within a a couple of weeks. The longer you stay smoke free the healthier you become and the easier it is to say No.
I bet you have heard that quitting smoking is the hardest thing you will ever do. Your body will not function properly, you won’t sleep or eat, you will get the shakes etc etc
Trust me when I say you will only feel these symptoms for a small period of time (if at all). When I quit I was waiting for all these things to happen but none of them ever did. The only thing I felt was the occasional wanting of a cigarette. As time goes on this passes and quicker than you think too.
There are no real negative side effects to quitting, only positive ones. The longer you have stayed smoke free the easier the quitting process becomes. You have made the right choice, believe you can quit and you will.
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Good Luck and Good Quitting
Ya, that is probably from withdrawal symptoms. Are you using any kind of gum or nicotine patches? Those may ease some of the symptoms. Also, if you don’t quit this time, there is that pill that helps people quit…Wellbutrin XL I believe. Well good, luck and don’t stop trying. Smoking is sooooo bad as I’m sure you already know!
I No Many people with this problem !
So Don’t feel like your the only one you are doing well on your fifth day !
Usually the first couple of days are the worst but it is totally normal its just part of you wanting a cigarette but you have got to fight !
Don’t Let go because you will have to start again which will lead to more feeling like crap !
Try and pull through maybe try that New Fake cigarette the water condensing one ?
And nicotine patches and the nicotine gum maybe try therapy or relaxing ?
it could help !
yes, that is why it is so hard to quit. keep it up and you will soon have all of thsibehind you and feel 100% better. you may have to do it 1 min at a time then 1 hour then 1 day. but in the end it will be worth it. chew gum. mints keep something in your hand like a pen or pencil, something just to keep your hands busy.