I’m planning to quit smoking by my birthday which coupla days away only, is it true that i will gain weight? and what’s better, to gradually minimize the cigarettes i smoke daily or to just quit? do the nicotine gums help? any other tips? (I smoke 10 cigarettes a day and I’ve been smoking for 2.5 years now)

I quit cold turkey over 20 years ago. I did gain some weight initially but with careful eating and exercise it came off easily. There is a temptation to smoke when you are stressed. What helped me is to just take a couple of deep breaths instead of giving into the temptation. Good luck – your lungs will thank you for it!!
quit cold turkey, watch what you eat and no nicotine gums and patches wont help.
Just quit cold turkey!!! Its the only way it will work. I tried the gums, the patches, etc… They are all just crutches and will eventually lead you back to a smoke! I didnt gain weight, but it was hell on my body. I quit almost two years ago and i still have cravings now and then!
The thing about gaining weight is, I think, that when people quit smoking, they tend to replace their cigarette addiction with food.
cold turkey. just quit. its a good idea to plan in advance,and stick to your plan. it is far better to worry about a few extra pounds, than the possible death sentence of lung cancer
The gum worked for me, and I gradually replaced that with sunflower seeds for those times when you are "supposed to smoke", like in the car, at a bar, after a meal, after sex, ok maybe not that one. I haven’t had a cigarette in 2 years, but I am up to about a bag a day of seeds. You may gain some weight, I have, but don’t worry about it right away. Deal with one thing at a time. You can work off the weight later once you can breathe again.
Good Luck!!
The best way I found to quit smiking…..is just cold turkey…and hold your ground!!!
You only have to fight the each nicotene fit for 3 minutes….after a week or so they will start to come less often and be less powerful. Whatever you do……
Just go for it! I finally (after many attempts) gave up 3 years ago and it changed my life for the better. I feel so good, happy, healthy, don’t stink all the time, have more money. So good. BUT, it took a long time to get there. I did gain some weight, and it really took 6 months to get back to feeling good again. It wasn’t hell or anything for all that time, but tough. I finally gave up with a 3 month nicotine replacement patch program. Tried giving up gradually and all that, but it never worked, you need to break the psycological addiction as well as the chemical, and you can’t do this by cutting down, you have to stop, and stay stopped. Even taking one puts you right back to the start unfortunately. But it is so worth it – I feel I can take on anything now that I have beaten my 20 year addiction to cigarettes – you can do it!
Everyone is different. If you can quit cold turkey do so. If you have the discipline to gradually reduce your number of smokes it might cut down on the craving after you quit.
The big trick is to avoid being around friends who smoke. Tell them you are trying to quit and to either take their cigerettes elsewhere or at least wait til you can get some gum or something. I dont drink but many say you should avoid drinking alcohol because that is a easy to have a cigerette relapse. The big key is to have the will power to quit. If you sincerely want to quit then you will. But if you can’t face the discomfort of minor withdrawl symptoms then you might be in for a protracted battle.
Try the tobacco gum if it helps. Arm yourself with toothpicks or hard candy. Smoking is kind of an oral fixation. Keeping your hands busy or sucking on a peice of peppermint will distract you long enough to to resist the urge. After a couple of days you should be free of the addiction. I wish you luck and Happy Birthday!
Only 10 per day alright here is my advice
Starting right now develop a plan for yourself. Meaning choose your fav cigarettes during the day eg. after dinner, with a cup of coffee something like that.
Don’t skip that cigarette just put it off say I know I can have it I just don’t need it right now.
Start weening out the ones you look forward to or the ones that are routine.
Thats how I did and it took a week for me to be down to no cigarettes at all a day and I was smoking a pack a day and for 9 years.
If you feel you are getting stressed or on edge I would suggest taking a vitamin b pill there are time release varieties out there. This vitamin helps reduce stress level.
No you won’t get fat unless you get careless with your diet.
Good Luck
and remember you have to WANT to do it as well. It is a test of willpower.
You can do it
I think it is best to quit cold turkey. I’ve never been a smoker, but have been around them my whole life. My dad quit a few years ago and he was using the patches. He said they worked pretty well, but they were expensive. After using them for a few weeks he finally gave up the patches because he was tired of putting them on. He quit and hasn’t smoked sense. Also, when I started dating my boy friend, he was a smoker, but he knew I hated it. He tried the patches, but they would never stay on. He tried smoking different kinds, getting the ones with the larger filters, but he just smoked more. In the end, he hated the dirty looks I would give him, (not even on purpose) and he quit cold turkey. It has been five months and he is happy. So, whatever works best for you. Try cold turkey, but if you can’t do that, go for the patches, they work better then anything else I’m told. Good Luck!!!!
There is no medicine available on earth that can make a person quit smoking. It is the strong will power that helps to get rid of bad habit. The Nature has given tobacco to mankind for medicinal use but the humans have used it for intoxication. Tobacco even in small quantity consumed is bad for health. For an example, when you smoke, the smoke is thrown out by the body and it is an indication that the body can not tolerate its contents. Same way, when the tobacco is consumed by chewing, the person has to spit many times before gulping the same because the body tells the person that it is not good for health and through it out of the body. Even the animals never ever enter a tobacco field for gazing, whereas humans have consumes uncounted tons of tobacco since generations. If you have decided to quit, your have come to a right place and right person. It would be very nice and wise of you to quit smoking and save lots of money and health. Just imagine, would you prefer to hear the worst news of your life from a doctor explaining you that you have been diagnosed to have cancer or some other serious sickness? Don’t allow this to happen. Tobacco kills. I smoked for almost 25 years but gave up the bad habit of smoking seven years ago without turning back, because I have a strong will power. I enjoy a very healthy life now and save lots of money spent on tobacco products. My family is also very proud of me. No one can minimize smoking gradually because it is very difficult in practical and it has to be done once for all. After you quit smoking, you will never gain weight since this is a wrong judgment as regards quitting smoking. Quit smoking if you have decided to and you will not regret. Take care and be in good health.
First I’d like to give you a pat on the back and I truly wish you success! Your own will power will be the thing that allows you to quit smoking when all is said and done so don’t waste your money on those other products. Drink lots of cold water, and watch your weight by eating a very healthy diet and exercise, that helps with cravings too. After the first 3 days the cravings should subside quite a bit.
Friend – I please quit cold turkey.There is a saying that when you have to ‘struggle’ a little bit with something, you have accomplished much more than the ‘end to the means’ when it’s all over. You have learned the art of "effort". I fully support your desire to quit. Each person is different and everybody’s ‘make up’ is different. You must believe you can accomplish this and also realize and know that there is going to be a ‘struggle’ to see it through. The struggle can be minimized if you will replace that energy you created with the cigerette smoke with something positive. You have to have the faith to believe you can do it and I believe that God will give you the grace to be successful. You are getting healthy. You will be decreasing your chances for the additional health issues that occur with smoking. You are giving yourself more days to live – really live on the earth. Your body is a temple and you are beautiful. Treat your temple well – be encouraged, my friend. I quit 15 years ago, Never returned. You can do it too.
i know wat it is to quit…ive done it a hundred times:)….jus kiddin its not that difficult, go for it. i beleive u can."for they conquer, who beleive they can"good luck:)
I know it seems stupid, but I brought one of those e-books about how to quit permanently without any sort of nicotine replacements. For about a week I was convinced I had wasted my money… but it actually worked. I mean man did it work.
I’ve now been smoke free for a year and I never gained weight or used any replacements. E-mail me i you’d like the address to the site I got it from.