I am going to attempt to quit smoking. Today I will try to avoid doing so…..can you offer me any words of encouragement as i have never tried to do it before? I’ve never wanted to, but I think i want to now. For my kids…i want to try. Any advice? Kind words?
Author: aaa_janitor
Quit smoking??
What is the best way to quit smoking??
Where can I buy a fake cigarette to quit smoking?
Hi! I’m trying to quit smoking, but I believe that my addiction is primarily behavior. I’m looking for a fake cigarette of some kind (Styrofoam, plastic, electronic) that is affordable (no e-cig) and I can buy in person or from a reputable online seller? I’ve found some cigarettes online, from places like Better quit and EZ quit, but the websites don’t look legit. Any ideas?
quit smoking?
im 21, i have been smoking a pack to a pack and a half a day since i was 18, should i quit now or have i already caused enough damage to my body to where it wont matter if i quit?
Quit smoking?
wat r the best ways to quit smoking??? if u quit how did u do it??? any tips will help thnx!!!
Quit Smoking! =]?
Is it normal to have diarrhea after you quit smoking?
Also major headaches?
Sore Throat?
I’ve heard different things and really need the answer.
quit smoking?
i want to quit smoking but i’ve tried going cold turkey and it didn’t work.to stressful! any advise?help!
quit smoking!?
My friend just caught her 10 year old sister smoking cigs!
her sister has been hanging out wit older boys that r about 13-14 and they smoke cigs so she did it too.
she hung out wit them cuz nobody likes her for sum reason.
my friend asked her how often she smoked and she said everyday she would smoke 1-2 packs.
she cant quit smoking and its horrible.
how can i help my friends sister?
i just feel so bad cuz shes so young.
Quit smoking?
My mom quit smoking about 2 months ago. She noticed that she sometimes sort of gags and coughs. I think that it is her cilia cleaning up from all the tobacco and what not. I heard that in class last year. It happened after she stopped smoking. Am I right?
Quit smoking.?
I am wanting to quit smoking but I have no will power. Especially when half my office smokes and I work in a stressful job. Does anyone have any suggestions that could possible help me?