4 thoughts on “Quit smoking?”

  1. Most smokers, when you ask them, will claim that even though they smoke everyday, they really do want to quit smoking. However, the number one reason some smokers don’t quit is because deep down inside, they really do not want to quit at all. Nicotine is an addictive drug, simple as that. And the body, once introduced to high amounts of it over a period of time, can’t seem to function without it. Quitting smoking is hard, but the truth of the matter is that if you go 48 hours without a cigarette, the nicotine in your body is then gone. After the first 48 hours, if a smoker wants another cigarette, it is possibly for reasons other than a nicotine addiction. I have a blog that discusses more of what I have been writing about. If you feel like checking it out, I would completely suggest it.
    One of the most common reasons people give for not quitting smoking is that they have become comfortable with the feel of a cigarette in their hands. Some even say they just like to watch the smoke come out of their mouths. Lots of smokers go back to smoking because they had nothing to do with their hands. We are creatures of habit and this makes perfect sense. If all you just miss the touch of a cigarette, try and hold a real one. However, some find that simply handling a cigarette when trying to quit makes them want to smoke one. Eating regular meals to avoid getting hungry is also a good tip.

  2. well i am not saying to get pregnant but i smoked for 9yrs until i got pregnant with my babygirl and my urge went away! it grossed me out and after i gave birth i still did not want it so yeah! that is how i was free of the addiction! thanks to Nhyree

  3. Chantix (spelling?) is a new quit smoking drug. It worked for 2 of my friends who had smoked for wwwaaaaayyyy too long. Good luck it’s a tough thing to do but you know it’s the right thing.

  4. I have been power walking every morning. I have completely cut out coffee and Pepsi (my big addictions), and now I don’t really have much of an urge to smoke…except for that breakfast cigarette you know what I mean? But I always use to smoke more when I drank my coffee in the mornings, and Pepsi any time of the day. Now that I have been drinking only water it just tastes gross.

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