I have been smoking a little over a pack a day for eight years. I am only twenty, but I have lines on my forehead that lead me to believe my habit is prematurely aging my skin. I quit smoking last week, and i am wondering if my skin will improve. Is there any way for me to get rid of these aging lines, or am I permanently screwed?
Author: aaa_janitor
quit smoking?
i just quit smoking beginig of anuary. i just quit cold turkey. now im starting to get cravings again, is this normal?
Quit smoking?
I smoke about 8 cigarettes a day, i wan’t to quit smoking, should i quit immediately or gradually?
Quit smoking?
I want to quit smoking, because it’s gross, but I don’t want to get crabby, or gain weight. Has anyone out there been successful with a particular method? Help please…
Quit smoking?
I quit smoking and I was wondering how many days does the average withdrawls take to go away? And what can be done to alleviate them/lessen the extent of them.
yes I have been very very anxious
How much does smoking age your skin? Is this damage reversible if you quit at a young age?
I am 20, and I have been smoking a little over a pack a day since I was 13. My skin is becoming dry, irregularly colored, and I have recently noticed two deep lines on my forehead. Is it possible to reverse this damage if I quit smoking now, or am I forever doomed to look older than I actually am?
How I Quit Smoking and Drinking
Donations to Chris White: www.paypal.com nowheretorunradio.com how to quit drinking alcohol without AA how to quit smoking ciggaretts how to quit drinking is it possible to quit drinking and still hang around with friends
What is the best way to quit smoking after 31 years?
I really want to quit smoking and I am on wellbutrin, and it helps, but how about replacing the habit? It is so hard! Has anyone been through this?
Quit Smoking.?
My boyfriend and i live together. We have decided to try to quit smoking. So far i am doing pretty good, i went cold turkey and it has been five days. He, on the other hand, lasted only one day. Although he has cut back dramatically (between 1 and 3 smokes a day), it is making it harder for me to quit, knowing that he is still smoking. Any suggestions on how i can help him try a little harder?
Quit smoking?
I’ve been smoking since I was 12 now I’m a lot older than 12 actually closer to 40 yrs old.I want to stop way back in my early 20’s I tried the gum but that made me sick.Has anyone here stopped smoking and how did you do it ? I smoke mainly when its late at night like now and during the day when I’m stressed but I want to quit just not sure how to do it.How do the patches work if anyone’s had any luck tell me the brand and symptoms from them like were you tired ,jittery , sick ? I know I can’t just put them down I’ve thought about quitting but now its time and I’m tired of smoking but addicted.