I am 20, and I have been smoking a little over a pack a day since I was 13. My skin is becoming dry, irregularly colored, and I have recently noticed two deep lines on my forehead. Is it possible to reverse this damage if I quit smoking now, or am I forever doomed to look older than I actually am?

If you quit smoking you will find many improvements, not only in how you look but in how you feel. Obviously everyone is different, but it is possible that your skin will get better once the continuous damage done by cigarettes has stopped.
Lmao,i LOVE your question,im 22 and been smoking since i was 13 too,try lubraderm lotion,its like 7 bucks @ walmart,works mericals in a few days!
I am 53 and wish I never started smoking ! Please quit now if you can ! The longer you wait the harder it is. Yes it affects your skin but stopping now and using good face creams you can repair the damage as you are young. Remember to use SPF for sun. The wrinkle in your forehead are probably genetic. Not all lines are from smoking. Within 12 hours and beyond your body repairs itself when you quit. Lots of nicotine programs & treatment help is out there these days. It has been 5 months since I quit. Good Luck ! By the way-you looking older is most likely genetic-not all of that is from smoking. People do not know I ever smoked just by looking at me.