My boyfriend and i live together. We have decided to try to quit smoking. So far i am doing pretty good, i went cold turkey and it has been five days. He, on the other hand, lasted only one day. Although he has cut back dramatically (between 1 and 3 smokes a day), it is making it harder for me to quit, knowing that he is still smoking. Any suggestions on how i can help him try a little harder?

You can’t make him quit if he doesn’t want to.
You have to focus on yourself now, and accept that eventhough the two of you made the decision to stop together, you can only be responsible for yourself. Why did you stop smoking? Have you only stopped because he has stopped or have you stopped because you want to stop?
I have stopped twice before with my husband, and we have both started again those times. But my heart wasn’t in it. 4 months ago I decided to stop, because I really wanted to stop. And I stopped eventhough he continued to smoke. I thought the fact that he continued to smoke would be bother me, and I would be jealous . But I am just so happy that I don’t smoke.
I wish I could make my husband stop too, but I think nothing I say to him will make him stop – like nothing you say or do to your boyfriend will make him stop. My advice is that you take pride in the fact that you have stoppped and be happy about it. Maybe when he sees how happy you are about not smoking, he will want to stop too. Be happy about all the positive changes that you feel and tell him about it – lung capacity (suddenly walking up stairs is a lot easier), blood flow, your skin will look so much better soon. And the joy of not being a slave to nicotine anymore – I can’t tell you how liberating it is not to think about cigarettes all the time.
And off course, ask him kindly if he can please smoke away from you and outside (which I hope he is allready -second hand smoke is just as bad as smoke).
I read Allen Carr’s "easy way to stop smoking" before I stopped, and found that so much of what he wrote made perfect sence to me. Maybe your husband will like it too – the only problem is you are supposed to smoke while you read it….
But my husband also read it, and he didn’t stop…
Good luck – be happy and proud that you have stopped, and remember never to have another cigaret (it will only lead to more).
Get him to visit this site (it will help you too). I used it when I quit and it did wonders for me, and others that I know.
Happened to my boy and me – what I did was tell him that I was serious about quitting and that him doing it was making it too hard. I told him I needed to chose my health over our vice, and that I needed to leave him to keep my health.
That put him in the horrible place of choosing between the vice and me… he chose me.
AW! your chain smoker yah its hard to quit that fast but try to busy your self and your BF in any activities or sports. .gud luck for ur quiting smoking you can do it!!
Smoking is a very personal addiction though it affects those around the smoker. Don’t insult him. Don’t call him a failure or anything similar. Be his cheerleader and encourager. Don’t make it a competition between you and him. Don’t give up and keep encouraging him. Tell him that he can do it.
Most important. You have to realize that it is his decision. You can support him or tear him down. Either way it is his decision. Don’t make him walk alone.
Some people have a harder time stopping because they relate it to some of their day to day activities and cannot seem to break free.
Just keep trying and encourage him don’t nag because this will only make him want to smoke more.
Good luck
If he is really having trouble get CHANTIX. I just quit 2 weeks ago and my brother still (and did when I first quit) smokes around me and it doesn’t affect me at all. Its a pill and it really works. Trust me, just go to the doctors and get the presciption.
It is about $100 (at least it was for me) and health insurance does not cover any of it. How can you put a price on your health not to mention how much cigs cost.