My friend just caught her 10 year old sister smoking cigs!
her sister has been hanging out wit older boys that r about 13-14 and they smoke cigs so she did it too.
she hung out wit them cuz nobody likes her for sum reason.
my friend asked her how often she smoked and she said everyday she would smoke 1-2 packs.
she cant quit smoking and its horrible.
how can i help my friends sister?
i just feel so bad cuz shes so young.

You really have to tell an adult. They can help get the right things to help her stop.
Please encourage your friend to stop. My mother started around her age & finally stopped at 60 years old.
Today my mom has COPD. She lives off an oxygen tank. Not attractive at all.
um well you could show her what it does to your body or like if she doesn’t smoke for 2 hours or something your friend will buy her a chocolate bar or 1 day a new CD briding works
Opinion A… TELL AN ADULT… and they will be able to help with the situation…
Opinion B… Tell her why smoking is bad for her and that she needs to stop or you will tell an adult…
Show her how unattractive it is. There are also some videos on Youtube you could watch. Some are kinda gross.
well because shes so young tell an adult! thats not good.
It is not that unusual for a 10 y/o to smoke. But I seriously doubt she really smokes 1-2 ppd without her parents buying them for her. I think that is the amount she would like to smoke, not how much she really smokes.
I doubt if you can help her. Her parents should be the ones to try, but if she likes smoking that much, she will probably continue. A better approach might be for her parents to let her smoke at home and get her away from bad influences.
A lot of people start young. Really do anything you can to get her to stop, because it gets much harder to quit as the days go on.
This worked for me it’s a little weird something subliminal but it was free so just tried it and it worked amazingly.
get it here:
as i said its free so what do you have to lose?
It is good to hear that you want her to quit! I personally found the guide offered at to be very helpful when I quit smoking. Good luck to you!