I am going to attempt to quit smoking. Today I will try to avoid doing so…..can you offer me any words of encouragement as i have never tried to do it before? I’ve never wanted to, but I think i want to now. For my kids…i want to try. Any advice? Kind words?

Seek support!! Either from family or friends….anyone!! Support is the main goal in trying to quit!!
dont give up girl. your body doesnt need the nicotine.
Ya, good luck. Just don’t take up eating and get fat.
you are either a master of them or a slave to them. It is up to you to really decide. You don’t need good luck or a patch, you just need to decide what you want to be.
Good luck!
Just do it
good luck, im in the same boat. im going to try chantix a new perscription
It is up to your mental attitude to quit it. Do it for your children as it will benefits them
thats so sweet doing it for your kids all the best xxxx
Think about how much you stink. Once you quit smoking your clothes, hair, skin, breath, kids and home will smell normal. Now they just smell like a bar. If you like clean consider that smoking is one of the dirtiest things that you can do. Furthermore, parents who smoke have kids who smoke.
Keep yourself busy. If you feel the urge, try replacing it with a short walk or chew a piece of gum. Try staying away from other people when they are smoking, as this will tempt you. Congratulations on your decision and best of luck to you in quitting and becoming a healthier person for you and your kids.
When you get cranky, go for a walk outside. Just keep reminding yourself why your are quitting and that you can do it. Also remind yourself that the crappy feelings you have are just temporary – in a week or two, you will feel better than you have felt in a long time. Also make sure you are eating healthy snacks and drinking lots of water.
Good luck!
Quit doing it. Its for your health and the kids. Second hand smoking is bad. Plus if they see you smoking naturally they might want to do it to when they get older. It may be hard at first because of the addiction but I know you can do it. Your lungs will be appreciating the fact that you are wanting to quit. Find something else to take the place of the smoking. Reward yourself everytime you you want to grab one and you don’t. Oh and your breath will smell better and everything thats around you. Less health problems, and the lines above your mouth from smoking won’t increase! And I think smoking kinda like makes your teeth darker. Anyways COME ON YOU CAN DO IT! PUT A LITTLE POWER TO IT!! YEA!!!!BOYAHH!!!!
Try not to bite anyone’s head off. I tried and tried to quit, and finally I got a rx from my doc for chantrix. The stuff actually takes away your desire to smoke. I had a pack in front of me and didnt even want one… it makes your stomach ache for the first week though, but it’s totally worth it. Good luck!
First week is always the toughest, stay away from places where smoking is permitted, donβt hang out with friends while they smoke, and keep yourself busy so u wonβt have time to think about cigarettes.
There’s nicotine patches and gums ( which i tried all and no, i am still addicted ) but it works for some, not all. You could give it a try. Like you i got kids and many times i tried to give it up yet whenever i am stressed and especially after a meal i would involuntarily pick up a stick. Guess all these are just my pathetic excuses. But i wish you all the best and hope you succeed.
Chew gum π Buy nicotine patches, throw your cigerette packets out the window. Also i bet you have lots of will power, so just keep your mind off it by doing a hobby, working or watchign a film or something, Good luck π
I just quit about 11 eeks ago and it is seriously one of the best decisions I have ever made in my life. I feel 100 % better than I used to.So please just take it from me, it will be hard for the first week or so, but after that it’s a piece of cake.
alright for me today it is ONE WEEK of no cigarettes. i started by cutting down to about two or three a day, and it’s been one week since i’ve actually smoked one. what keeps me from smoking is i look at women who have been smoking their whole lives, who have a billion wrinkles and yellow teeth and i think… no, i wanna look good still when i’m 50-60 years old! not like that! it’s rough when i’m around smokers… but make sure you NEVER give in and buy a pack even if you want to "keep one around just in case" no! don’t do it! good luck, if i can do it… you can too! if you ever need more advice with it, just ask.
you can do anything that you put your mind to…as long as you truely want to do it. if you don’t want to do something, then believe me, you won’t.
i know this isnt like trying to quit smoking, but i bit my nails for 13 or 14 years, and my mom and aunt told me that if i stopped, they would take me to a broadway play in NYC (i live in CA so that offer was awesome!) so i just quit cold turkey. i grew my nails out, got a french manicure, went and saw the play, and i havent bitten my nails since! π
so dont give up!! and remember the benefits of not smoking, you will feel sooooo much better!! and pray for encouragement!
i give you a lotttt of credit, that is sooo hard and im trying to quit right now too.. except im a teenager… idk if that makes it easier or harder…
but anyways….
just keep your mouth busy..
like always carry a water bottle or
something to drink… and eat healthy
foods when you get a craving for a cigg..
but most of all DONT give upp.
you should also do research on different foods you can eat that make ciggs actually taste bad, and taste good…. so you can avoid the foods tht make them taste good.
i read about that, but i cant remeber the websites i was on reading this, due to the fact that i was on a BUNCH of websties. lol
anyways im ranting… GOOOOOOD LUCK!
You’re off to a good start by considering quitting smoking. Most people wonder if they can really do it, and what is the best way to quit. Being successful takes planning and patience. Sometimes it takes quitting 3 or 4 times before you are finally nicotine-free. Don’t get discouraged!
You are NOT alone! Eight out of ten students at MSU choose not to smoke and we want to help you join the majority. Know that you have resources on this campus to help you quit, such as nutrition counseling, fitness evaluation, and pharmacy services, as well as support groups that are available in the area. Information on these services is available throughout this guide and on the resource page listed on the left. It will take determination, but you can join the 80% of Spartan students who are smoke free.
Quitting Methods
There are various methods available to help you quit smoking. The choice of which to use is completely up to you. No method works best for everyone, so it may take some experimentation to see what is best for you. Some smoking cessation methods include:
Cold Turkey
Nicotine Replacements
Cutting Down
Cold Turkey
This is the most common method used to quit smoking. About 10% of people that go cold turkey by itself will still be smoke-free after 1 year. Not very good odds, however, you can improve your chance of success by combining cold turkey with another method such as using the nicotine patch, hypnosis, or joining a support group. By adding another method, 75% will remain smoke-free after 6-8 weeks, and about 1 in 4 will still be smoke-free after a year.
Pro’s: Cold turkey works best because the smoker makes an immediate commitment to quit. This helps the person avoid putting off their quit date until "a better day". There is no ideal better day.
Con’s: Many smokers have not examined their smoking situation very well. Immediate cold turkey without a well-thought-out plan of attack does not often succeed.
Bupropion hydrochloride (Zyban) was approved in 1997 to help smokers quit. The drug, available by prescription only, is also sold as an antidepressant under the name Wellbutrin.
Common side effects include insomnia, dry mouth and dizziness.
Treatment with bupropion begins while the user is still smoking, one week prior to the quit date. Treatment is then continued for 7 to 12 weeks. Length of treatment is individualized.
Dosing should begin at 150 mg/day given every day for the first 3 days, followed by a dose increase for most people to the recommended dose of 300 mg/day, starting on the 4 day of treatment. The maximum recommended dose is 300 mg/day, given as 150 mg twice daily. An interval of at least 8 hours between successive doses is advised.
People who have not made significant progress towards abstinence by the seventh week of therapy are unlikely to successfully quit during this attempt, and bupropion treatment should be discontinued.
The average wholesale price for bupropion is approximately $2 per day.
The newest prescription drug Chantix, Varenicline tartrate, is only the second nicotine-free smoking-cessation drug to gain FDA approval. The active ingredient varenicline works in two ways – by cutting the pleasure of smoking and reducing the withdrawal symptoms that lead smokers to light up again and again.
The tablet will be taken twice-daily for 12 weeks, a period that can be doubled in patients who successfully quit to increase the likelihood they remain smoke-free.
The most common adverse side effects include: nausea, headache, vomiting, gas, insomnia, abnormal dreams, and a change in taste perception.
It is necessary with all types of medication to follow the doctor’s orders and use the products only as prescribed and/or according to labeling.
Studies suggest that everyone can quit smoking. Your situation or condition can give you a special reason to quit:
– Pregnant women/new mothers. By quitting, you protect your baby’s health and your own.
– Hospitalized patients. By quitting, you reduce health problems and help healing.
– Heart attack patients. By quitting, you reduce your risk of a second heart attack.
– Lung, head and neck cancer patients. By quitting, you reduce your chance of a second cancer.
– Parents of children and adolescents. By quitting, you protect your children and adolescents from illnesses caused by second-hand smoke.
Information referenced from the American Lung Association.
Nicotine Replacements
Nicotine Patch
The nicotine patch releases a constant amount of nicotine in the body. Unlike the nicotine in tobacco smoke which passes almost instantaneously into the blood through the lining of the lungs, the nicotine in the patch takes up to three hours to pass through the layers of skin and into the user’s blood.
The patches are similar to adhesive bandages and are available in different shapes and sizes. A larger patch delivers more nicotine through the skin.
The patch must be worn all day, and cannot be put on and removed as a substitute for a cigarette. Most of the patch products are changed once every 24 hours. One particular patch is worn only during the waking hours and is removed during sleep.
Wearing the nicotine patch lessens chances of suffering from several of the major smoking withdrawal symptoms such as tenseness, irritability, drowsiness, and lack of concentration.
Patches range in strength from 7mg-22mg of nicotine, depending on the brand, and whether the product uses a single dose regimen, or the ‘step down’ approach. The ‘step down’ approach gradually weans the user off therapy over a set number of weeks.
Some side effects from wearing the patch may include:
– skin irritation
– dizziness
– racing heartbeat
– sleep problems
– headache
– nausea
– vomiting, muscle aches and stiffness
Average retail price for over-the-counter transdermal nicotine patches (starter box) is approximately $4 a day. Patches are available at Olin Health Center Pharmacy for approximately $25-60.
Nicotine Gum
Nicotine gum delivers nicotine to the brain more quickly than the patch however, unlike smoke, which passes almost instantaneously into the blood through the lining of the lung; the nicotine in the gum takes several minutes to reach the brain. This makes the "hit" less intense with the gum than with a cigarette.
Nicotine gum is not designed to be chewed like normal gum. Rather it is used in the "chew and park" method. When you insert a piece of gum into your mouth, chew it a few times to break it down, then park it between your gum and cheek and leave it there. The nicotine from the gum will make its way into your system via the blood vessels just under the lining of the oral cavity. If you continue chewing without parking, the nicotine will be released directly into the saliva in your mouth, which will eventually be swallowed, leaving you with a nasty stomachache and a craving for a cigarette.
Nicotine gum contains enough nicotine to reduce the urge to smoke. The over-the-counter gum is available in 2mg doses (for smokers of 24 or fewer cigarettes each day) and 4mg doses (for smokers of 25 or more cigarettes each day). One piece of gum is one dose; maximum dosage should not exceed 24 pieces per day.
Nicotine gum helps take the edge off cigarette cravings without providing the tars and poisonous gases found in cigarettes. It is a temporary aid that reduces symptoms of nicotine withdrawal after quitting smoking.
Nicotine gum must be used properly in order to be effective. Steps for nicotine gum users include:
– Stop all smoking when beginning the nicotine gum therapy.
– Do not eat or drink for 15 minutes before using, or while chewing the gum (some beverages can reduce its effectiveness).
– Chew the gum slowly on and off for 30 minutes to release most of the nicotine. Parking the gum between the cheek and gum allows the absorption of nicotine into the lining of the cheek.
– nough gum to reduce withdrawal symptoms (10-15 pieces a day but no more than 30 a day).
– Use the gum every day for about a month or so, then start to reduce the number of pieces you chew a day, chewing only what you need to avoid withdrawal symptoms.
– Discontinue use of gum after three months.
– If the gum sticks to your dental work, stop using it and check with your medical healthcare professional or dentist. Dentures or other dental work may be damaged because nicotine gum is stickier and harder to chew than ordinary gum.
– The average retail price for nicotine gum is approximately $4.50 (10 pieces) a day for average usage during the first six weeks of use.
Nicotine Lozenge
In 2002, the first and only over the counter nicotine lozenge meant to help smokers kick the habit was introduced to the market.
Nicotine lozenge comes in the form of a hard candy, and releases nicotine as it slowly dissolves in the mouth. Eventually, the quitter will use fewer and fewer lozenges during the 12-week program until he or she is completely nicotine-fare. Biting or chewing the lozenge will cause more nicotine to be swallowed quickly and result in indigestion and/or heartburn.
Nicotine lozenge is available in 2mg or 4mg doses. One lozenge is one dose; maximum dosage should not exceed 20 lozenges per day.
Each lozenge will last about 20-30 minutes and nicotine will continue to leach through the lining of the mouth for a short time after the lozenge has disappeared. Do not eat or drink 15 minutes before using the lozenge or while it is in your mouth.
Do not use nicotine lozenges for longer than 12 weeks. If you feel the need to continue using the lozenges after 12 weeks, contact your healthcare professional.
The most common side effects of lozenge use are:
– Soreness of the teeth and gums
– Indigestion
– Throat irritation
The average retail price for nicotine lozenge is approximately $6 a day for average usage (12 doses) and up to $12 a day for maximum usage (20 doses) during the first six weeks of use.
Nicotine Nasal Spray
Nicotine nasal spray, dispensed from a pump bottle similar to over-the-counter decongestant sprays, relieves cravings for a cigarette.
Nicotine is rapidly absorbed through the nasal membranes and reaches the bloodstream faster than any other NRT product, giving a rapid nicotine "hit". This feature makes it attractive to some highly dependent smokers.
The most common side effects due to the nasal spray are nose and throat irritations.
A usual single dose is two sprays, one in each nostril. The maximum recommended dose is 5 doses per hour or 40 doses total per day.
The average retail price for nicotine nasal spray is approximately $5 a day for average use (13 doses) and up to $15 a day for maximum usage (40 doses).
Nicotine Inhaler
The nicotine inhaler consists of a plastic cylinder containing a cartridge that delivers nicotine when you puff on it. Use the inhaler when you have a craving for a cigarette. Use no more than 16 cartridges a day for up to 12 weeks.
Although similar in appearance to a cigarette, the inhaler delivers nicotine into the mouth, not the lung, and enters the body much more slowly than the nicotine in cigarettes. The nicotine inhaler is available only by prescription.
Each cartridge delivers up to 400 puffs of nicotine vapor. It takes at least 80 puffs to obtain the equivalent amount of nicotine delivered by one cigarette.
The initial dosage is individualized. The best effect is achieved by frequent, continuous puffing for 20 minutes. One cartridge will last for 20 minutes of continuous puffing and deliver 4 mg of nicotine; only 2 mg are actually absorbed. This is the equivalent of about 2 cigarettes. The maximum suggested dose is 16 cartridges per day.
Side effects include irritation of the throat and mouth in the beginning. You may also start to cough but you should get over this after a while, if not make sure to consult with your doctor.
The average retail cost of the nicotine inhaler is approximately $45.00 for a package (42 cartridges).
Information referenced from the American Lung Association.
Cutting Down
This method involves cutting down the number of cigarettes smoked by a few per day. If you smoke 21-30+ cigarettes per day, cut back by 5 every day. If you smoke 11-20 per day, cut back by 3 cigarettes per day, and if you smoke 10 or less then cut back by 1 a day. Quitting Day follows the day after you have reached 5 cigarettes per day.
Example: If you smoke 30 cigarettes per day, cut back as follows:
Day 1: 30 cigarettes
Day 2: 25 cigarettes
Day 3: 20 cigarettes
Day 4: 15 cigarettes
Day 5 10 cigarettes
Day 6: 5 cigarettes
Day 7: Quit Day
Pro’s: Cutting down can help build confidence and gain insight into your smoking habits.
Con’s: Some people find it difficult to taper off because they feel tempted to smoke one more cigarette than they should. Also, some people inhale stronger and hold the smoke in longer to take in a greater amount of nicotine per puff when trying to cut down. If temptation is a problem for you, this method may not be best.
Acupuncture uses small needles of different lengths and sizes to stimulate the skin in a particular area of the human body. The area for stimulation is chosen corresponding to meridian or pathway that provides energy to the affected body field or area. In case of smoking cessation, needles are inserted in the areas that will affect energy flow to the mouth, lungs and respiratory system as well as parts of the brain that generate cravings for tobacco smoke.
It is proved in studies that smokers who are given acupuncture treatment have less desire to smoke and their smoking actually decreases after the treatment of acupuncture. It has been proved over and over again that people who receive acupuncture treatment are twice as likely to quit smoking than people who smoke.
But, it is also important that you follow some simple things to receive the full benefit of the acupuncture treatment. They are:
A smoker receiving acupuncture treatment to kick the habit must get it twice a week for three weeks without any gap, for the treatment to be fully effective.
The smoker getting the medication will be taught to do self acupressure on ears in order to reinforce the treatment and help cravings to pass.
It is always better to use this method with other therapies such as nicotine replacement therapy or support groups.
Even if acupuncture can not help you recover fully, it will surely help you reduce the cravings and the amount of cigarettes you smoke will diminish to a large extent.
Information referenced from Stop Smoking.
Hypnosis is concentrated relaxation. In other words, hypnotism allows a person to relax, while focusing on a particular problem or desired result. It’s not just relaxing or falling asleep. During hypnotherapy, you relax your mind and body, moving past the guard of your conscious mind, to the subconscious mind. Your conscious mind constantly edits and grades and judges your thoughts and inputs. Your subconscious mind is a sponge waiting to absorb whatever you give it. Your subconscious mind doesn’t know the difference between reality and imagination. Therefore, if you can get past the locked gates of your conscious mind to your subconscious mind, you can feed the subconscious "imagined reality." So if you can imagine yourself as a non-smoker, your subconscious mind will accept that as reality.
By reprogramming your subconscious mind you can change your actual behavior. Hypnosis is the key to removing the barrier your conscious mind places in front of you, and reaching the subconscious.
Hypnotism to stop smoking is an excellent way to end your smoking habit because the success rates are possibly double that of the patch and gum. You can also use hypnosis together with other stop smoking programs like the patch to achieve even better results.
There are a couple of ways that you can use hypnosis to stop smoking:
– Self-hypnosis
– Hypnotherapy by a certified hypnotherapist
Self-hypnosis involves using techniques to relax yourself, and guide yourself through the images that can make quitting smoking work. This technique can take practice and time to master.
A hypnotherapist is typically certified (or should be) and has specific training and expertise to help you relax and guide you using specific images and words that work to help a person quit smoking. Some hypnotherapists will offer a one-session program, while some may suggest multiple sessions to make sure you succeed.
A third alternative is really a combination of these first two methods: a recorded program produced by a professional, that you listen to in the comfort of your own home or office. This option is far less costly than visiting a hypnotist in person, and it gives you flexibility and repeatability in your program.
Information referenced from QuitSmoking.com.
The thing that works best is really wanting to quit. You can TRY this and TRY that. Different things work for different people. But if you really want to quit, you will find your own way and make sure it works. Good luck!!
if you read your question again you will have the most powerful words of encouragement.. you sat a goal infront of your eyes (your kids) and you’re gonna make it for them..
I used to be a smoker myself and i knew what quiting smoking means (somehow non-smoker sees it easy) but let me tell you sister, it is EASY.. and you’re gonna feel better every tick of the clock.. i promise..
whenever you feel the urge to smoke.. drink a cup of cold water.. eat some peanuts.. walk for 5 minutes.. or anything to get the time passing for your first day..
the second day will be easier because you have done a great job in quiting smoking for 24 hours..
the third day you will never feel that you never had put any ciggertte in your mouth..
wish you all the best..
and keep going
try smoking less ever day it Will get easy er as u go on
i quit seven years ago. my husband had heart attack triple bypass. i knew he had to quit so it gave me the strengh to quit. i smoked three to four packs a day. i just said this is it . i never want to have to go through that like he did and i love him enough to stop. i feel so much better. he stopped to. if you really want to you can. i believe youy do or you wouldnt be writing this. also there is a new drug that is suppost to help. you can ask your dr about it.if you have will power and pray for the help you can do it with out anything. remeber second hand smoke is worse for your children than if they smoked. 1st give it up for your self than for the family.lots of luck.keep me informed and let me know how it goes. i beleive any one can do what they want if they put there mind tp it.
I found the gum works well to curb cravings. Getting past the first three days is the hardest because that is the chemical addiction to nicotine working on you. After that it is a matter of kicking the mental habit. I would avoid drinking alchohol for a while because that is my major trigger. Also if you have any friends or family that smokes tell them you would appreciate it if they didn’t smoke around you. Good luck, its all mind over matter.
Congrats on the decision! Your kids are worth it. You need to set a good example. I have been quit for 4 and half years, and will never go back. My tips are as follows:
-get some nicorette gum for the bad cravings, but don’t just use it whenever… wait for the tough times
-stop doing the things that really make you want to smoke. For me, it was hanging out with a specific crowd of people that I always ended up drinking with. (Drinking for me was what made me fail)
-You really have to make up your mind once and for all, that you are ready to give up everything about it. Be honest about why you smoke: image, extra breaks at work, meeting people outside, etc. The power of your mind is really how you will get through it, so make sure your whole heart is in it! Remember: stress relief can be done in many other, more productive ways!
-replace it with excercise (kill two birds with one stone by quitting smoking and getting more fit!)
-if you mess up, don’t throw in the towel and start back up again, just say "Wow, I was actually able to go a whole day/__ without one" Doing it gradually is fine!
-Reward yourself. Take all the money you would normally spend on smokes and buy something just for you with it- yoga classes, clothes, shoes, vacations etc.
Don’t say you’re gonna "try." Say "I’m quitting today." You have to WANT to quit, which you do!! And what a good Mother you will be. When you quit, just feel proud to say, "No thank you. I don’t smoke." I quit over 20 years ago cold turkey. It’s really easy if you want to. The cravings will be completely gone in 2 weeks. Chew gum if you get the urge. Throw ALL your cigs away , even the butts. Congrats! In 6 months your lungs will be all pink again! Just do it!! π
Hi Sara,
I am a former smoker (2 packs a day).
My advice is to have a possitive attitude. DO NOT tell yourself it is gioing to be hard to do. Tell yourself that you are going to do it and remind yourself of all the reasons you want to quit. When you have a craving, smile, laugh, and tell yourself "NO WAY". When you have been 3 hours w/o a cigarette, don’t feel dred. Instead, feel proud of yourself and praise yourself. When it has been 24 hours, don’t think about how much you want a cig. Again, think possitive, and continue to pat yourself on the back.
No, it won’t be easy, but it can be done. The longer you go without them the better it gets. Don’t let it control you. You control it. GOOD LUCK and DON"T GIVE UP