I’m so happy I stopped smoking

Health profoundly improves once a person stops smoking. In this video Mayo Clinic Physicians provide examples of healing that occurs once a person stops smoking and the many benefits to staying tobacco-free. Patients describe how much better they feel now that they have stopped smoking. For more information, go to www.mayoclinic.org

Where can I buy a fake cigarette to quit smoking?

Hi! I’m trying to quit smoking, but I believe that my addiction is primarily behavior. I’m looking for a fake cigarette of some kind (Styrofoam, plastic, electronic) that is affordable (no e-cig) and I can buy in person or from a reputable online seller? I’ve found some cigarettes online, from places like Better quit and EZ quit, but the websites don’t look legit. Any ideas?


What is a good way to quit smoking without medicine or patches or anything like that?

I would love to quit smoking without any of that. I am slowly starting to smoke less, like I’m down from a pack a day to less than a half a pack a day. Could I start eating candy or chewing gum when I want a cigarette? What did you guys do to quit?

Quit Smoking: The 10 Step Plan

Sian Welby talks to Dr Chris Steele about the addictive and harmful effects of nicotine. Dr Chris explains that nicotine is, milligram for milligram, more addictive than heroin and cocaine. Within 7 seconds of drawing on a cigarette the nicotine will be acting on the brain. This is why it can be so hard to quit. One in two of all smokers will be killed by it. It is the most dangerous consumer product available on the market. Nicotine itself is not dangerous, but when you smoke you breath in more than 4000 other chemicals – this is what makes it lethal. With smoking still growing among your girls, there is a big health issue here. Although the smoking ban is helping, the enduring appeal of the “cool” look associated with cigarettes makes them attractive to young people. But there is help. Nicotine replacement treatments can remove the craving for cigarettes, without damaging your health. Also available on prescription are treatments such as Zyban and Champix.

How long does it take to quit smoking?

I know each person is different, but about how long does it take for the cravings to go away. I can restraint from a cigarette for 8 hours each day at work, and have gone as long as 12 hours when I was on a trip with students. However, the minute the opportunity arises I’m having a cigarette. I crave the act of smoking much more than the nicotine I recieve from it (nicotine gum makes me crave a cigarette). I’ve tried to quit unsuccessfully and find if I don’t have access to them, the nicotine cravings occur about every 4-6 hours while the craving for a cigarette occurs ever 15-30 minutes. How long would it take for these cravings to disappear?

If you don’t understand the difference between craving a cigarette and craving the nicotine I don’t really know how to explain it to a non-smoker. Sorry.

Tar in Cigarette – Still want to smoke?

Watch this experiment with a pack of cigarettes and see how much tar would get into your lungs. And you thought it was tough being a coal miner.

Experiment of 400 cigarettes No wonder why humans get lung cancer !! Think about this: The sticky Tar contains poison and remains in your lungs each time you smoke and your lungs need much calorie to remove these poisons from your blood! You will live shorter than you think! But think about your family and/or children’s life! ——————————————————————————

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