If you quit smoking and have a cigarette after 2 days sober is it like starting from scratch again?

Don’t try to talk me out of the cigarette, I already smoked it, well half of it anyways. Preferably only answers from those who have quit smoking or gone through what I am. I quit cold turkey by the way.

Why it’s so hard to stop

For a number of individuals it is extremely hard to quit smoking cigarettes. In this video clip experts from the Mayo Clinic explain the reason why. The movie demonstrates the method in which cigarettes deliver nicotine to the human brain triggering changes in the brain that lead to dependancy. Whenever a particular person stops smoking cigarettes they frequently experience challenging withdrawal symptoms and strong desires to light up. The cravings and withdrawal symptoms help make stopping very difficult for many people who smoke.

How do I quit an occasional smoking habit?

I have been smoking cigarettes in social situations or when I’ve been stressed since I was 15 years old, now 21. On average I probably smoke two or three packs of cigarettes every six months. I love to smoke, and it helps me de-stress so much listening to music and having a cigarette in the car on the way home from school. Everybody knows they are terrible for you, and they cause an array of cancers. How do I stop doing this? How did you quit smoking?

How can I quit smoking when everyone around me smokes?

I’ve never felt so weak in my entire life. I want to quit smoking so badly but every time I try I only find myself obsessing on wanting a cigarette. My roommates smoke, my friends smoke and it seems like we all want to quit but end up caving for one reason or another. Does anyone have any advice that could help me?