I have been smoking cigarettes in social situations or when I’ve been stressed since I was 15 years old, now 21. On average I probably smoke two or three packs of cigarettes every six months. I love to smoke, and it helps me de-stress so much listening to music and having a cigarette in the car on the way home from school. Everybody knows they are terrible for you, and they cause an array of cancers. How do I stop doing this? How did you quit smoking?

If you can just quit, for the love of God, do it! I am you in 22 years if you don’t. I was dx’d w/cancer 6 years ago, and even *that* wasn’t enough to make me quit! I just finally quit with Chantix 67 days ago, but I’m telling you it is MISERABLE! I still crave a cigarette several times a day – night time being the worst. The chemicals are all out of my body now, so all that is left is the worst of it – the psychological addiction! My mind is a scary, scary place to be left alone!
If you are smoking 60 cigs in 180 days, you can put them down. Do it, if for no other reason than quitting when you smoke 30 a day is REALLY HARD!!!!
Good luck!
I have been smoking about the same amount as you for the last 4+ years. I just really enjoy it!!! Never thought i was really hooked. Now 22 i have been smoking more and more over the last 6 months.
I am afraid i might be addicted for life!!
Not sure if i will be able to every quit!!!!
Good luck in your quit!!! I hope it works out for you.
one way that works is finding an alternative for yourself. you can twist a rubber band or chew gum or play with string. what my uncle did was fill a little jelly jar half way with water, put cigarettes in it, and carry it around with him. whenever he wanted to smoke, he would smell the jar and it was awful for him! he only stopped doing this when he associated smoking with smelling the horrible smell and just didnt want to smoke anymore. i really wish you luck!!
I know how hard it is to quit myself. It took me at least 7 tried before I succeeded. That was a few years ago. There is a site that can probably help you…it reviews quit smoking products….many people have gone there and seen great results…even the occasional smoker.