I know it is hard to quit smoking. But I am determined to help my friend quit smoking. Just wondering what is the most effective way to quit smoking? Patch?
I have heard of electric cigarette. What is that? Thank you

Stop Smoking | Smoking Cessation
Chantix worked for me, it was the least stressful way.
i did it on the patch
I did it by pure stubborness. I hate being controlled or being told what to do. Cigarettes controlled me…. but not anymore.
Picking up a cardio routine helps too.
A good start would be to not ask this question on the marriage and divorce section of answers. OK, there you go.
Smoking is a bad habit and it is imperative that you do your best to quit smoking. There are no benefits to smoking. It doesn’t give you that buzz you got in the first few weeks anymore. Whether you can even tell or not smoking makes you smell, and believe me other non-smokers think about it behind your back. It costs you hundreds of dollars every month, and takes of years of your life.
So before learning about the fastest way to quit smoking I think the first step is asking yourself – Do you want to quit? You would be surprised that most smokers admit that they want to quit smoking, because they realize how bad it is for them. Most addicts think they just can’t quit smoking, and because of this they don’t have the will to try.
Every year, millions of people worldwide are being diagnosed with lung cancer due to smoking. Smokers are subjecting their bodies to something harmful and potentially fatal. And the worst part is that the risks associated with cigarette smoking had not been public knowledge for decades. Only in the last quarter century have we known that quitting smoking could actually save your life.
Now that we all know how smoking affects the body, every smoker should try to free himself of this habit. If you were to quit smoking today wouldn’t you feel like you were on top of the world? Wouldn’t it be great to add up 10 years to your life and to improve your health? If you are saying yes – now, imagine that you could quit smoking less than one day. I am not joking with you. It is absolutely possible with revolutionary breakthroughs in audio hypnosis techniques.
Researchers have proven that hypnosis is the top choice and fastest way for one to quit smoking permanently. Whether you are talking about patches, or gum, or scaling down your cigarette intake, or even trying to go cold turkey; there is no other method that even comes close to this new technology. It is easy and effective.
With the new audio hypnosis programs there have been case studies of people quitting smoking in as little as 38 minutes. I know, it sounds exaggerated, I didn’t even believe it at first. But there is a scientific explanation to it. You see, the best hypnotic programs are now using the latest revolutionary Neuro-Linguistic Programming method. And this tactic has been tested and proven to work for 90% of the smokers who have tried it.
I have found a few programs that use this new technique, but I would like to go over one of them to show you exactly what I am talking about… and how this type of program can help you quit smoking in the shortest amount of time possible. The program I will review is called “Quit Smoking Today”. Although the name leaves a little something to be desired, the “Quit Smoking Today” system is actually fairly appropriately titled. And people who have previously tried patches and gums without any luck are really amazed by the results.
After going through a system like “Quit Smoking Today” the positive effects are immediate and long lasting. Within 12 hours after you have had your last cigarette, your body will begin to heal itself. After just a few more days breathing becomes easier and your sense of smell and taste will also improve. In the long term, 10-12 years after you quit smoking the risk of cancer of the mouth, throat, esophagus, bladder, kidney, pancreas and coronary heart disease will significantly decrease reaching the percentage of a nonsmoker.
To put it shortly, quitting smoking is a no brainer. And utilizing audio hypnosis programs like “Quit Smoking Today” are, simply put, life changing opportunities. Just think about it. If you don’t quit, what do you have to look forward to? What are the long-term implications on your health? And is smoking really worth the damage it causes to your body? And by not choosing to quit your smoking, how much money are you wasting each month on cigarettes?
90% of those who try Neuro-Linguistic hypnosis programs to quit smoking permanently succeed. And technology has progressed in such a way that those that have tried before are having more success. One thing is for sure though – you can’t quit if you don’t take the first step and try out these new techniques
Two collapsed lungs did it for me.
Haven’t heard of electric cigarettes. But I have heard of just throwing away the last pack in the house and never buying anymore if the person wants to stop smoking. You cannot help anyone stop any habit anyway, and they have to want it bad enough for themselves to stop.
cold turkey worked for me. I quit the day I found out I was pregnant.
Most people cant quit without some help. It is good that they have a friend to help them. A good support group helps. EWhen i tried quitting i used pretzels, i know they not very good, but all it is is the motion of putting the cigaratte to their mouths that why i suggest pretzels, it gives them the same motion, and they wont gain weight doing that. Alot of people eat to compensate for that, and non healthy foods to boot, so have them try pretzels, or eating carrots, or anything healthy. good luck and you are a god friend.
does she want to quit? if not, you can’t make her. chantix works great but very pricey
The only thing I’ve heard positive results about is the drugs. Zyban and Chantix.
But seriously, has your friend asked for your help with this? lol
Hypnosis works the best and fastest in my honest opinion.
just crunch up the pack in your pocket and throw it away none of the aids help if you don’t want to quit. If you do it is mainly will power. Three days of misery get you through the worst of the cravings then its just being determined to stay a non smoker
Cold turkey. I did it after a 27 year, 2 pack-a-day Kool habit, and have been smoke free for 4 1/2 years.
You have to be determined, and it’s easier. Have plenty of gum, hard candy, and straws (both for chewing on and fake inhaling). And having distractions when a craving hits is a big help.
Your friend needs to know that the physical addiction is over in 5 days, but the mental/emotional attachment is much harder to kick. Use the tools I gave above to keep those at bay, and each day becomes a little easier. Eventually, you get to a point where smokers reek so bad, you want to barf.
Good for you for wanting to help, and good luck to your friend. If I can do it, ANYONE can do it!
EDIT–lol @ the secret smoker troll & all the thumbs down. I never met people as deeply in denial as smokers are!
The only thing that worked for me was to quit cold turkey. I made up my mind and didn’t look back. I smoked just over 2 packs per day and I smoked for 10 years. I was pregnant at the time and being nauseated helped me not crave it. I held a pencil in between my fingers (the way I would hold a cigarette). For me, I had more of a habit of holding and not so much the oral fixation associated with smoking. That was over 25 years ago. I must admit, if I am out drinking with friends, I still crave a cigarette. I took a drag off someones one time and almost puked. I think I turned green. I got warm instantly and felt light headed. It was gross. Good luck to your friend.
I live in a state where there is no smoking in public buildings including bars and restaurants. This helps.
Two heart attacks and the threat of a triple bypass finally made me quit.
I didn’t ever want to quit. I liked my habit, I enjoyed smoking for 30 years. I quit after my second heart attack cold turkey. While once in a while I miss smoking, I do not miss the hassle of keeping up with a pack, hanging onto a lighter, my hair and clothes stinking. I don’t miss any of the responsibilities or health issues that are connected to tobacco inhalation.
A person has to truly WANT to quit or they will be unsuccessful. I like it when people tell me they are proud of me for kicking the habit…it makes me feel proud that they noticed.
EDIT: Ian says "anyone who is addicted to smoking always talks about quitting all the time." I smoked for 30 years and NEVER talked about quitting.
filters it makes it taste the same but less nicotine goes through then take it to the next level with nicorete and so on
I never smoke but I think that the government can help when they raise the taxes to make it $10.00 a pack. Smoking will no longer be a poor man’s luxury.
well my sister just had like 5 cigarette a day. Just have someone keep you on it and make you do it. I had to help my sister she did if for one month and it work just go by that. Hope it works for you!
most effective way is to just put them down and not pick up again you know cold turkey i did it that way but everyone is different just get her to try the different products out there till she finds one she likes and works for her
stop putting cigarettes in your mouth, lighting them, and then smoking them.
laser therapy–no withdrawals
If your friend has other smoker friends, it’s of noble intention to quit to set an example, to be an inspiration to others – anyone who is addicted to smoking always talks about quitting all the time.
Otherwise, I have quit smoking for a few months now due to an extreme flu that I had; I was simply not able to smoke, because I was so horribly sick.
But I would really not advise using any sort of substitute at all – be it "the patch," nicotine gum, or whatever. Actually, chewing on pens helps a lot apparently – my grandfather told me that’s how he quit smoking.
Also, your friend might consider that he/she has been through worse before (…is the case for most people in this life), and that he/she will live through this.
Ultimately, it really takes a lot of willpower on the part of the "quitee," though. Maybe a self-esteem boost on his/her part would help, for this person to truly KNOW that they are capable of doing this, or any other great obstacle for that matter. It is a satisfying feeling to fulfill your ambitions, for sure…
I suggest NLP (Neuro-Linguistic-Programming). NLP is a form of psychotherapy which is applied to help people like you, to stop smoking. The recordings that are created, has the very latest revolutionary techniques which has helped my friend to completely stop smoking.
You only need to spend around 40 minutes listening to the recording, just download the file onto your MP3 player or CD and you’ll be on your way to a smoke free future.
YOU can Kick The Habit For Good In Just 38 Minutes & 13 Seconds with success rate of 97.2%.
My friend used the below mentioned resource.
Wish you all the success in quitting the Cancer sticks.
Quit smoking pills, Chantix, combined with other smoking cessation tools like hypnosis
You have to want to quit. Not just knowing you need to and not just wanting to. You need a reason. That or a hell of a lot of will power. I quit when my daughter was just about two years old. She picked up a cigarette butt out of the ashtray, put it up to her lips and said, "just like daddy." No kidding, that was her exact words. That was also my last cigarette. I couldn’t continue to show her that smoking was OK. She is 21 and she doesn’t smoke. I am so much better off as well.
None of the patches or the gum worked for me…it was all self determination my willingness to change. I knew that if I got my mind set to quitting, then I wouldn’t need any unnecessary products helping me.
the patch made it tolerable to quit.