Looking for the steps on how to give up smoking. This video has a good list to get you started.
You say you want to feel better, live longer, and even have a little extra cash on hand? Easy. Just quit smoking.

Stop Smoking | Smoking Cessation
Looking for the steps on how to give up smoking. This video has a good list to get you started.
You say you want to feel better, live longer, and even have a little extra cash on hand? Easy. Just quit smoking.
Going cold turkey will drive people insane after the nicotine effects in their body suddenly disappeared. O_o muwahaha
Cessate from smoking. That is how you quit.
Im gonna start smoking so i have an excuse for lots of lolipops
I’m talkin about people who are extremely addicted and have been doing it for years.
I don’t smoke by the way. Only certain family members I have whom I thoroughly observed and watch.
Because diabetes is much healthier than smoking… I am all for not smoking, but substituting one addiction for another is not always healthy. Save a lung lose a foot.
i thought of a way to quit…stay away from friends that smoke.
Wow, so you’re a smoker huh?
these things are useless
Note: Before deciding to quit, make sure you understand and accept that you will have less pleasure in your life after you do. You HAVE TO accept this. If you expect something to step up and provide the same pleasure, you will never be able to quit. Oh, and if you feel like you just lost a best friend, don’t be surprised. It’s still best to quit, but you need to know what you are in for to have a better chance. Nicotine is more addictive than heroin, remember.
One thing these things never tell you is that the cravings never go away. I quit 4 1/2 years ago and I still have cravings to smoke. And my appetite increased, so there went all the money I “saved”. When I was a smoker, I hated these scare tactics like telling me how many people die of smoking. Guess what? I’m gonna die anyway whether I smoke or not. I’m still glad I quit as I hated feeling like a slave to such a stupid habit, but I think I’ll always miss it.
someone needs to help this guy quit popping his collar