Sian Welby talks to Dr Chris Steele about the addictive and harmful effects of nicotine. Dr Chris explains that nicotine is, milligram for milligram, more addictive than heroin and cocaine. Within 7 seconds of drawing on a cigarette the nicotine will be acting on the brain. This is why it can be so hard to quit. One in two of all smokers will be killed by it. It is the most dangerous consumer product available on the market. Nicotine itself is not dangerous, but when you smoke you breath in more than 4000 other chemicals – this is what makes it lethal. With smoking still growing among your girls, there is a big health issue here. Although the smoking ban is helping, the enduring appeal of the “cool” look associated with cigarettes makes them attractive to young people. But there is help. Nicotine replacement treatments can remove the craving for cigarettes, without damaging your health. Also available on prescription are treatments such as Zyban and Champix.

Hey peeps I have quit big time!!!
Hey guys! I found a great support resource for anyone serious about quitting. Its called BECOME AN EX-SMOKER and it seriously helped. GOOD LUCK
It is hard to quit but it can be done… check out my video and try my programs if you need some help to kick the habit…. especially if you have tried to quit before and couldn’t do it
If you Check out You tube for Faster EFT and EFT you will find excellent stopping smoking with no withdrawls, no patches. It adresses the underlying emotional drivers that create the addictive behaviour. So the stopping of smoking can be done within an hour. It’s brilliant, Check it out!
Can she help me quit smoking in person? 😀
its good health tips
i need help quitiing its like i have no life without my fags itsa really sad DAMM THE GOVERMENT SHOULD MAKE IT ILLIGEL
Stopped for three days now, am going cold turkey, not easy, wonder if i should have help, patches or something, I find the hardest part at the moment is breaking the habit, Good luck to anybody that tries though, better that giving the goverment all that tax money, greedy cunts
why would anyone want to quit smoking?
1. Count each day the number of cigarettes you didn’t smoke. 20 victories a day is quite an accomplishement, especially the first few days.
2. Get a “cigarette substitute” to “puff” on if the cravings get large. Back when I quit smoking, I used the top of the old Flair pens. They had holes which allowed you to puff. And don’t worry what others think, its for your health.
3. Swim laps at a pool. I felt so clean, refreshed and aerobically fit after swimming that the thought of smoking turned me off.
4. If you fail and have a smoke, don’t punish yourself. Enjoy it and then get right back up on the horse and quit again.
I smoked a pack a day for 17 years. I quit 26 years ago. You can do it, good luck.
@Branvie so you dont get lung cancer and die at 40. Or enphezema. i didnt realize people were this stupid…
I quit smoking 6 months ago, but I thinkt my comment 7 months ago is very funny.