My girlfriend smokes. I want her to quit. She doesn’t do it around me but I can always smell it and I just hate how it can effect her health. I have tried to use guilt, saying how its unhealthy to everyone but she just gets pissed when anyone tries to lecture her. she knows how bad it is and she kind of wants to quit. besides her smoking she is the most amazing girl ever.

Tell her how much of a turn off it is for you…. it takes an average of 7 attempts to successfully quit smoking…. keep on her….but be patient…. Good luck!!!!
threaten to break up with her .
tell her it makes you sick to kiss her with smoke breath… and dont.
Either get over it, or get a new girlfriend. Expecting someone to change for you, to your preferences, is the prelude to disappointment and failure.
If you know any good psycho-hypnosis experts I’ve heard that can be quite effective.
Tough. She’s addicted, and addiction isn’t easy to get rid of. Try getting her to a quit smoking center where professionals can help break off the bad habit.
It has to be her decision to want to quit. If she wants to quit and wants you to help that is one thing. If she doesn’t you are just going to have to let it go.
yeah lecturing just pisses smokers off a lot. If she really wants to quit she will find a way, you can’t make someone do something they don’t want to do
Tell her she smells bad!
Beat her ass.
If she doesn’t quit, break up with her. F*&k that sh*t. It’s gross, huh? Never ever would I date a girl that smokes. Nasty as hell.
look up statisicts about lung cancer, and show her how common it is. Refrain from kissing her as much tell her that her breathe stinks like cigarrettes, threaten to break up with her cause you think smoking is gross and it smells up everything.
she wont quit till she wants to.
dont kiss her, dont hug her, keep far enough away that you dont smell the smoke. she’ll ask whats up, just say oh nothing, just breathing… over HERE. where it doesnt smell.
Break up with her nasty ass.
pay the clerk that sells her the cigs not to give them to her or something
and whenever u find a pack around the house get rid of it and if she asks say it must be a ghost;_ylt=AtcyFOdWcHFGW96hbwNu0Zfsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20081112155248AAmnhOZ
she will not quit unless the consequences of continuing to smoke are worse than smoking.
Most smokers won’t quit even though they know it gives you cancer; so unless you threaten to leave her she probably won’t quit and don’t be surprised if her addiction tells her to dump you.
well my gf smoked like a pack a day and she was wastein all her money on that stuff and i wanted her to stop because my father passed away do to lung cancer
i told her if she didnt stop smokin i would start and because she didnt want me to she stopped
idk if that would work in ur case but
u shouldnt be lecturing her she doesnt wanna be told everything that everyone else tells her she wants to hear that ur just worried about her and that it scares u to know shes smoking
Make no threats about it. If you dislike it that much, break up with her. This is decision that is very personal, but when made, requires the support of the people around her. It’s a tough decision, but with the cost of cigarettes seeming to go up just as fast as the stock market falls, now is a better time than any to stop.
That is something you can use to convince her to stop. The money factor is huge. For a girl, image how many extra pairs of shoes you could buy with your smoke money? If you smoke a pack a day, that’s about $7 per day, times 30. $210/month times 12 = 2520. For many people, that’s a percentage of their income that they could be using somewhere else- like putting food on the table, gas in their cars, or contributing towards healthcare
start doing something she dislikes…. or just refuse to kiss her unless she brushes her teeth each time, just be like "i don’t feel like kissing an ashtray…im so sick of it" or refuse to hug her or be close to her because your sick of that stale smell. i know its not a lot of help but thats what i would do if i where you
Stick your dick in her mouth.
Kind of impossible to smoke with that hanging in there.
Plus you will be having fun while helping her quit.
You can’t. Stop trying to control her and let her be herself. When she decides she wants to quit she’ll do it. I’m sure you do enough things that she doesn’t like.
Awww.. sounds like you care for her alot [=
I used to be addicted.. and its.. tough to quit eh?..
Well talk to her.. distract her.. people usually.. smoke to avoid Stress which can lead to addiction..
Cut back when she gets.. cravings simple.. comfort her..
Drink lots of water
Figure out what triggers her to smoke?
i dont recommend going cold turkey
Ask your doctor as well.. since im only.. 16 im not much of help =b
listen man.. if she wants to quit she can quit.. if she doesnt want to.. its not gonna happen.. so dont try to guilt or lecture her… coming from a smoker ill tell you the lecture are just F#@King annoying if she wants to quit.. get her some nicoret gum.. mints.. patches..
my father was a forty year smoker and was literally killing himslef adn we argued a lot about his smoking! Then i decided to go on the website and get pictures of tongue, lung, and throat cancer and i wrapeed them up with a starting kit to help to quit smoking. IT took him 6 months but he is smoke-free for the past 3 years. Recently he started loosing his breath adn they found out his lung capacity is very low. He told me if i haven’t shown him the pictures of cancer and the pictures of my children and told him if wanted to miss out of all that is dear and loving to him to keep smoking! I also refused for them to be at his house if he continues to smoke! I guess maybe if she has someoneclose to her it may help her!
Hello Dear
Well the answer is quite simple to your problem…
Just visit this site and it tell you how you, your family, your wife,your girlfriend can quit smoking without any hesitations.Belive me this has helped me a lot in quitting smoking.
Tell her to try this product heres the website for it or email