I would love to quit smoking without any of that. I am slowly starting to smoke less, like I’m down from a pack a day to less than a half a pack a day. Could I start eating candy or chewing gum when I want a cigarette? What did you guys do to quit?

Stop Smoking | Smoking Cessation
cold turkey
My friend stopped smoking by chewing gum. It keeps your mouth busy and supplies your throat with flavor.
ok first thing tomorow count how many u smoke and write it down on a piece of paper every day from then on decrease the number of cigs u smoke by 1 at the end when it starts really being a problem keep ur self occupied by doing something else such as smokeing weed or drinking mabey if u dont do any of that take a celery stick and pretent ur smoking it it will make u go through the same activity as if u had a cig in ur hand and where smoking it but not actually smokeing or have a lot of fun by going to a water park or somewhere u can keep ur mind off cigaretts
Don’t substitute candy unless you want to gain about forty pounds. Gum is almost as bad. You’re just substituting one bad habit for another. One way to help get off the cigarette habit is to attend a formal cessation seminar. I used to run one such seminar. We kept track of our graduates, and found that 29 percent of them were still free of the cigs after two years. That was a remarkable success rate: other such seminars were lucky to document a 12 percent success rate. And I assure you it was not due to my extraordinary speaking skills alone – the participants actually had to work at it, and success depended on their commitment. My guidance helped. There were some who considered our methods a series of "gimmicks" and those were the ones who invariably failed to quit the habit.
That was just before the introduction of nicotine gum. And even the gum couldn’t do it for most folks without the added help of a smoking cessation seminar.
My suggestion to you, therefore, is a smoking cessation seminar – and don’t expect to get it for free. You’re taking advantage of a professional’s time and effort – a professional who needs to pay his/her mortgage, light bill, grocery bill – there is only one person whose help with quitting smoking is free – that person’s initials are Y, O, and U…